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multiple section lists

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    multiple section lists

    Is it possible to have different section lists appearing in a sidebar, depending on where you are in the site?

    We want to have a top level with three main categories. Depending on which one is selected, subsequent pages will have one of three section lists to choose from.

    It is basically three different departments within the same store.

    I have been looking at the multi-section lists in the advanced guide but I'm not sure if that is exactly what I'm after. What I am looking for is what is available in one of your competitor's (rhymes with beryl!) whereby you can have multiple menus defined which you then attach to different product pages as appropriate.

    Many thanks,

    Bob Rushworth

    First question is whether the lists will be quite static, if they are, then you can have a pretty quick solution, using a variable with choices and each of those choices decides which group of links would show on each page, this can be created as a section level variable.

    Or if they need to be dynamic, you need to get into list layout settings coupled with variables which can be difficult if all new to you. Can you give a bit more info, we may be able to push you down the easiest route for your needs bearing in mind your ability at the moment if actinic is pretty new to you.

    You could have something like:

    Option A
    Link 1
    Link 2
    Link 3

    Option B
    Link 4
    Link 5
    Link 6

    Option C
    Link 7
    Link 8
    Link 9

    The section level variable has A, B & C for you to select from and whichever you select, the links in that group show on that section (page) - that is a simplified version of what happens, but you can catch the drift i hope.


      a quick summary of our site

      Thanks for the quick reply. Before I spend too much time trying to understand it I'll give you a summary of what we're doing in case its something totally different I need.

      The site is a book store that sells childrens books in several languages. It will have a home page where the user selects the language (polish, german or english). They then go to the top level page for the language they select.

      The section list will actually be the same for each language. However, the books will be different. For that reason I have assumed that I will need three different sets of sections, albeit with the same names.

      So, if they choose German books they will see a section list containing Picture books, first readers etc but with different books than for the same sections in Polish books.

      Not sure what you meant by dynamic. The sections will be created by the user and may be added to in the future. However we know what they are and they won't change much for now. We might add 'christmas books' for instance.

      Hope that gives a clearer picture. I have used Actinic before but not for 5 years. Its changed a bit I must say!

      Many thanks for any help.




        Lee - I did something similar on a site recently but an unresolved Actinic bug prevented it from working 100%.

        The concept is great and it did work.. however at random points it would seemingly pick up the contents from another UDV list and insert and duplicate the wrong navigation elements. Support were not able to resolve. The concept and coding were correct and elegantly simple but something inside Actinic would not play ball at ad-hoc moments.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



          I think the easiest thing to do would be create a separate sections for each language and then populate each one with whatever sub sections are needed. You could then assign a new Variable to each top level section called say 'language' and set it to 'Use Parent' so that whatever value you enter into the variable (i.e German) filters down the sections for that particular language. Then it's just a case of wrapping a <blockif> round your navigation to show or hide each part of the nav depending on what section the customer was viewing.

          Make sense? Bit early in the morning for me!

          Located in Edinburgh UK


            dave, you're dylan moran quote is too much for this early hour.

            my fave: "Manny, you're just a beard with an idiot hanging off it".


              Yes, a particular favourite of mine too. Black Books, I love that box set like it was my own child!

              Located in Edinburgh UK



                Originally posted by jont
                Lee - I did something similar on a site recently but an unresolved Actinic bug prevented it from working 100%.
                I did one about 6 weeks ago now and have heard nothing back although that was the only one i can recall on section lists. My next build is having it also, so i will keep an eye out - cheers for the heads up.

                I did mine by creating 3 layouts (the pink things) and then having them all on the overall layout with a blockif around each and also a blockif around them all as there was pages where nothing was required. Similar setup your end?

                Section variable was then Neither, A, B or C.


                  Originally posted by dave_finlayson

                  I think the easiest thing to do would be create a separate sections for each language and then populate each one with whatever sub sections are needed. You could then assign a new Variable to each top level section called say 'language' and set it to 'Use Parent' so that whatever value you enter into the variable (i.e German) filters down the sections for that particular language. Then it's just a case of wrapping a <blockif> round your navigation to show or hide each part of the nav depending on what section the customer was viewing.

                  Make sense? Bit early in the morning for me!
                  Thanks, variables would seem to be the answer. I think I understand the basic idea of setting a variable and then the value trickling down. However, I'd really appreciate a little bit of help and I think I'll be ok.

                  I want the top level section names to appear on the home page - ie English, German, Polish.

                  If someone selects English, for instance, the next page will contain the sub section names for the English books as the main section list. So, instead of English, German, Polish, the section list will show Picture books, early reading etc.

                  I've created a variable called WhichSectionList which has three possible values (English, Polish, German).

                  I've set the main sections to have the relevant initial value and the sub-sections to 'use parent'.

                  What I'm not sure about is what should I put in the Block-if condition? Also, the section list already has a block round it to do with the site map - do I put mine around that one or can I add another condition to it?

                  I'd really appreciate a little spoon feeding here and then I think I'll be ok on my own. It's like learning how to ride a bike isn't it - you just need someone to give you a little push down the hill and then you're away!

                  Many thanks,



                    Originally posted by leehack
                    I did mine by creating 3 layouts (the pink things) and then having them all on the overall layout with a blockif around each and also a blockif around them all as there was pages where nothing was required. Similar setup your end?.
                    You should be OK as mine was dragging in the parent section name of the others to create an expanding section specific navigation via the sitemap. (too complicated for my own good at times )

                    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

