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    the problem is, that this code uses two different types of recusion.

    its not as easy as dropping in an odbc_close sadly.

    also, on exit, actinic throws a 'instruction at 0xnnnnnn ref memory at 0xnnnnn. The memory could not be 'read;

    and thats basically actinic telling me that something was not tidy with the php extension for actnic. but sadly, not sufficient information is given to help me out.


      Hi Gabriel,

      I have seen this memory error before... Had an issue a couple of weeks ago and tracked it down to a semi-colon that was missing from some custom PHP code in custom.php file (created by the user) included by the Actinic PHP file actinic_main.php - it was a semi-colon that caused a syntax error when put through a PHP compiler/interpreter, however if this semi-colon is missing (or any PHP syntax error, I suppose) when Actinic works as normal. The syntax error caused the (original) memory "read" error.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Hi gabriel. I have been using a similar method to rewrite the urls for best sellers and related products and have encountered the same problem as you. I had to remove the code for best sellers as is caused the actinic database to become locked during a snapshot and caused an error when exiting actinic.

        I did try and connect to the actinic database using a custom dsn to force read only access to the database but it didnt seem to help much.

        Its a bit of a showstopper for me.


          if you find a way out, then please, email me immidiately.

          my solution was to enclose the functions in ifs, that are truggered, only when a variable (set right at the top of the page) was set to true.

          this way, i could disable all the database actions, by setting ti to false, allowing the snapshot to take place.

