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'Order received email' - not received

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    'Order received email' - not received

    Hi all, have spent a few hours now looking for a solution to this without success. It could be staring me in the face but just can't see it. Please help if you can.

    Customer places order and he gets his order confirmation and I get copy which is great.

    I want to get an 'order received email' tellling me we have just had an order and what was ordered. I can see the page type in the in page preview window. This email is not sent. What/where controls whether these emails are sent or not?

    Ta Phil

    Hello Phil
    have you looked at Settings / Business Settings and the Ordering Tab?
    There's a checkbox there
    Kind Regards
    Sean Williams

    Calamander Ltd


      I want to get an 'order received email' tellling me we have just had an order and what was ordered.
      And the email you do get is only to tell you that an order has been placed since you last downloaded your orders. You only get it on the first order after each download and it has no product information on it.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Originally posted by cdlphil
        I want to get an 'order received email'
        If I'm not mistaken, the "Order Received" email is the confirmation that is sent to the customer. No doubt Norman will be along soon as I think that this will require a script change.

        Sean, the setting to which you refer will result in Phil receiving the "A catalog order has been received" email which he probably already receives.
        "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Sun Tzu


          Sean, thanks but i have both 'send me an email .......' and 'send receipt....' boxes ticked and the email address supplied is the one that the confirmation copy successfully goes to.

          What i can't understand here, is that there are 9 email page types you preview, I can't see enough options in 'business settings' or anywhere else to say which emails are sent.


            Sean, the setting to which you refer will result in Phil receiving the "A catalog order has been received" email which he probably already receives.[/QUOTE]

            LOL - I just thought I'd mention it, cos I thought at last I might actually have learned enough about Actinic to be of some value to others.
            Kind Regards
            Sean Williams

            Calamander Ltd


              Keep it up Sean. I remember feeling like that, not to long ago. Just keep playing with the nic. You'll be helping others out soon enough.
              "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Sun Tzu

