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Fragment text problems

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    Fragment text problems

    I hope somebody can help me with this one as I'm running out of hair !

    Whenever I add a fragment to a page the image shows but the text doesn't.

    Have checked the forum but can't seem to find a post with the same problem.

    Thanks in advance,


    Check the layout you have selected for the fragment, you probably have an 'image only' layout selected.




        Thanks Lee that was quick !

        Only option I have is headline fragment layout, is that image only.


          On the layout tab for the specific fragment that is not working you have headline fragment selected? If so then i presume the layout has been trashed OR you have white text on white background etc. As that layout is not image only unless amended.

          Go into the design library and revert the layout back to factory settings and see if that cures it. Having said that, given that you only have the option of one layout (you should have 10), it would appear that you have buggered something up or actinic has spat out its dummy.

          You could also try creating a brand new fragment and copy pasting the text into that to see if something got busted up.

          If that doesn't work, unplug the PC, half volley it against the wall and go to the pub and play dominoes is my best advice. There is always monday morning to sort crap like that out.


            Thanks again Lee, off to the pub, see you all Monday when i'll report back on how dominoes went. Then I'll try and sort out this mess.

