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Browser issues

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    Browser issues

    I have just built a new site that looks fine and works well with IE6 and deepnet but when viewed in IE7 or Firefox is shot to bits. Can anyone tell me please what I am doing wrong?>

    LMAO, gotta be post of the year. Do we just guess or do you help us at all?


      gotta be post of the year
      Not wrong -


        OK So I am a Dick Lee, thanks for pointing it out so beautifully! what prize do I win for post of the year? A course on how bloody computers work? Hope so, clearly I need it!

        Anyway, it is a site called and on the home page the navigation bars are in the main banner, and the search bar has disappeared. Once into the shop, you can add to cart but then there is no checkout button.

        Does that help improve the quality of the post? Hope so.


          I wouldn't say you are a dick, perhaps a little naive for sure. If i asked you what was wrong with the appliance i have in my utility room, you would probably have the same amount of info that you gave us. Forum guidelines will help you on how to get the best out of the forum, as a bare minimum you should take the time to explain the problem and provide a URL (as you have now). You don't need to be Bill Gates to do that, just use a bit of common sense really.


            Your code has <div id="contemporary_second_bar"><div style="float: right;"> it's overlapping the logo.


              As for your problem, it is almost certain to be a height issue. I would imagine that the class in your stylesheet called something like 'contemporary_top_bar' has a height specified against it and you have an image in it that is far bigger. You are trying to fit an elephant into a matchbox basically. Increase the height on that class for starters and see what that does for you. It's a very common issue these header problems, 99% of the time it is because you have included a graphic bigger than the standard one, but you have not increased the space it can use.

              IE6 was great for excusing bad code, IE7 and FF are much stricter.


                I can help with the kitchen appliance Lee. I traded her in for a different model and it now works fine!


                  Lee and Louise, thank you so much!

                  I'll go and give that a try.

                  By the way Lee, replacement of Kitchen appliance can prove terribly costly!



                    Originally posted by Buzz Lightbulb
                    I can help with the kitchen appliance Lee. I traded her in for a different model and it now works fine!
                    LOL that did make me laff. The new one will always pack up in the future too and then your kitchen will be too old to get a new appliance.


                      Lee is correct the stylesheet has height 64px. A little forethought means they could have been flexible in writing their CSS so it allows for expansion of the design elements.


                        Originally posted by peblaco
                        A little forethought means they could have been flexible in writing their CSS so it allows for expansion of the design elements.
                        I must have read at least 150 posts this year with problems in the header area, almost all of the time it is because the user has included a larger graphic. They need to make the help very very useful or design the CSS with a bit of thought. This must be in the top 5 of problems on this forum, but it is very hard for someone to explain or search the forum for this problem as they haven't the foggiest what the problem is. "My site is trashed" is probably the closest you can get to a search term for this.


                          Just going to make the adjustments now and hopefully that will fix it.

                          Lee, don't worry about the kitchen being too old, there are plenty of appliances suited for the older kitchen. However, they are normally the ones with a much higher running cost!


                            Originally posted by Buzz Lightbulb
                            Lee, don't worry about the kitchen being too old, there are plenty of appliances suited for the older kitchen. However, they are normally the ones with a much higher running cost!
                            Every old kitchen says the same, the appliances have a different outlook....


                              You are so right Lee. I spent most of yesterday afternoon searching the forums for this topic but found nothing! In fact, I was in such a grumpy mood by the time I got home I nearly had to invest in a new kitchen appliance this morning. However, I managed to get away with just a bit of gentle oven cleaning to bring everything back to normal at home!!

