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Components with different prices

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    Components with different prices


    Could anyone help. I have a product with several different components all at different prices.

    I have looked on the help and completely do not understand what it means. I have tried setting the permutations prices in the component details section but I cannot get this to work.

    Has anyone else done this (I'm sure loads of you must have) and could anyone tell me how to do this.


    Thanks but price does not come up


    Thanks I did that and it works but the prices are not shown to the customer until they put it in the basket. Is there some setting to change to correct this.



      ooh..somebody called? lol

      To get the prices to show on your product pages, you do really need to actually detail them in the component description

      ie..instead of just saying "add x" you'd say "add x for £y"

      Norman at Drillpine does have an add on that does a dynamic calculation of component prices meaning there would be a kind of running total displayed although I'm not sure if it's available on his website yet. It does work very well, I have trialled it.
      Basic version of it HERE

      If you don't want or need to use something like that, then the simplest way to display the prices is to type them in though


        Surely this guy just needs (on the layout tab of the component, once he has filled in permutations) to select "Additional price in brackets" on the 'Retail Price' selector?

        Thats adds all of the prices onto the choices on every site i do?


          I've never used it so I would know
          I never claimed to be an expert


            having said that...on looking at mine..I have that listed as the default setting anyway but my prices don't show

            Presumably thats because I don't have a component price set in the permutations tab then? Because it's using associated product price?


              Not really sure bumpsy without looking into your setup. I add a component, then an attribute and its choices, then click fill, put in my prices and change the layout to show the price in brackets and i have all the prices show in brackets after the choices on the product then.

              Maybe this works different when you link to hidden products, if so what a shambles!


                Originally posted by leehack
                Not really sure bumpsy without looking into your setup. I add a component, then an attribute and its choices, then click fill, put in my prices and change the layout to show the price in brackets and i have all the prices show in brackets after the choices on the product then.

                Maybe this works different when you link to hidden products, if so what a shambles!
                I'm guessing it must do because ALL my components (whether they have attributes/choices etc or not) are linked to associated products and even though my permutations retail price layout says "additional price in brackets", they've never been displayed this way.

                Unless my layouts or setup is broken, then I assume it doesn't work the same for associated products then.


                  Same problem


                  This is what I was trying to describe to begin with I have a product then a componant then a attribut and then a choice.

                  I have set the standard price in the prices tab on the product. Then in the componant details permutations tab I clicked fill (valid is ticked and pricing is set to overide)then for the products that have a higher cost I have put the difference in the price section.

                  In the componants tab I have also in the layout tab set the permulatation layout to use Parent(Additional price in brackets)

                  The additional cost does not come up in brackets though.

                  Have I missed something out?



                    sounds right to me, Julie so hopefully someone who uses this "in action" will be able to advise then because I'm afraid I don't.

                    Lee!! where are ya?


                      WTF has happened here i replied to this about ten minutes ago, has the forum just gone back ten minutes in time?


                        Where you have selected the 'in brackets' option on the drop down box, on the drop down box above that, try the different options in there. Its very hard to diagnose with no image as reading what you have is hard to picture. If that fails, provide some screen shots and i will gladly compare them for you.


                          choice prices

                          Ah another recent thread with a similar problem - can someone please look at the following thread (lots of pictures attached) and help - I have a load of product choices to get right today!


                          If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                          Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                            me again - trying different options

                            Important Clue:
                            the fact that i have now allowed the example Actinic section on my site (hidden before):

                            and this doesn't work either (computer choices not added - even with (+£0.00) leads me to believe that there is a piece of code missing elsewhere - yes perhaps in the cart - where?

                            If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                            Failure is the tuition you pay for success.

