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Adding SOLO as a payment option

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    Adding SOLO as a payment option

    Hi all,

    Had a search, and found some related to this, but not what I was looking for.

    I want to add SOLO as a payment option, but I'm not sure how ... Can't seem to find anything in Payment & Security ...

    Can anyone tell me how I can add this option to my CreditCardName Var?

    PSP: PayPalUK

    Thanks all,
    Simon Williams
    Actinic Designer v.

    A bit more on this ...

    PayPalPro says that the account accepts:

    PayPal Express Checkout
    American Express

    There is no option in the payment and security settings to add / amend these choices.

    So, can I assume that the credit card name variable gets its information directly from PayPal or is there some other way to add these cards.

    Apparently, the majority of student accounts are now SOLO card based (so I've been told?!?) - thus missing possible sales if it's not an option on the Actinic store.

    Simon Williams
    Actinic Designer v.


      Simon i think you might be a little confused, Actinic does not control what cards Paypal will accept, much the same as Paypal doesn't control actinic. Actinic can quite happily accept SOLO, but it depends on how you take your payments. If you do your own SSL for example, you can easily add SOLO as an option. If you use a PSP like Protx or HSBC, they will also take SOLO payments.

      Whether you can take SOLO payments through Paypal when using actinic has nothing at all to do with actinic. You configure and control very little in actinic when using Paypal, it is basically an email address and that is it. The control is all at Paypal's end.

      Theres is also a specific PSP forum for stuff like this too, please take 5 seconds more to think about where you are posting.


        Hi Lee,

        I'm not sure it is about my PSP, therefore not really a PSP isssue, more an Actinic set-up issue connected to the Payment and Security tab.

        My original question is, how do I add SOLO as a payment option in Actinic so PayPal can process it automatically?

        My only query to do with PSP is are Actinic and my PSP connected some way. They obviously communicate to process other payments, but I'm clutching at straws on my previous post.

        When I select: PayPal Website Payments Pro in my Payment and Security tab, and Configure Method, it does not give me the option to add a card, it gives me a summary of my settings.

        Is my solution to this issue to take the payments via Credit card details captured and use PPP to process these payments, or (back to my original question), is there a way to add a SOLO card in Actinic somewhere?
        Simon Williams
        Actinic Designer v.


          Originally posted by Simon Williams
          I'm not sure it is about my PSP, therefore not really a PSP isssue, more an Actinic set-up issue connected to the Payment and Security tab.
          You having a giraffe? You mention - PSP, Paypal, Payment & Actinic setup, plus the PSP forum says "For discussions relating to setting up PSPs such as Protx, PayPal etc." and you think the general forum is the place to be? Not sure what to say to that.

          Originally posted by Simon Williams
          My original question is, how do I add SOLO as a payment option in Actinic?
          And my answer was you don't and can't, you need to understand that actinic just send people off to Paypal and then Paypal processes the payment. Actinic hasn't a clue what goes on once you go to Paypal, until you return.

          Originally posted by Simon Williams
          My only query to do with PSP is are Actinic and my PSP connected some way. They obviously communicate to process other payments, but I'm clutching at straws on my previous post.
          They are 2 different companies who have an interest in helping each other - that is all. The only connection is that they can work with each other, they are completely different independent companies.

          Originally posted by Simon Williams
          When I select: PayPal Website Payments Pro in my Payment and Security tab, and Configure Method, it does not give me the option to add a card, it gives me a summary of my settings.
          Paypal control their settings, not actinic.

          Originally posted by Simon Williams
          Is my solution to this issue to take the payments via Credit card details captured and use PPP to process these payments, or (back to my original question), is there a way to add a SOLO card in Actinic somewhere?
          If Paypal do not offer the service to take SOLO payments, there is absolutely zip you can do about it to change that fact, even less so within actinic itself, that is a Paypal rule set by Paypal and controlled by Paypal. If you want to take SOLO payments, then you need to do this by either using SSL and capturing and processing the card details yourself OR using a PSP that is not Paypal but does accept SOLO.

          It's important that you understand if you process the payments on your site, then you can choose what to take and what not to, if you use a PSP, whether that be Paypal, PROTX, HSBC etc. they will set most of the rules and you certainly wouldn't change them within actinic itself.


            If you wish to add PPP to your site to be able to accept SOLO then there is information on how to do this in the Actnic help as well as on the forum.

            I think Lee has clearly adaised that by adding PPP or whatever other PSP your site will be able to accept the payments that that PSP accepts. If PPP say they accept SOLO then a customer will be able to use a SOLO card on the Paypal payment site when redirected to it by Actinic. There is no configuration to do in Actinic for that other than adding PPP as a PSP.

            You can of course add some card logos and/or text appropriately on your site if you wish to advertise what cards a customer could pay with but you would have to add that into your site design.


              Sorry, I'm not sure I've put this over correctly.

              PPP are processing the transaction without the customer leaving the store.

              The only option given to the customer when they are at checkout stage within Actinic) is:

              Switch with no issue number

              these work fine and PayPalPro accepts the payments.

              The customer does not go through to the PSP to pay, they do not see the PSP, so how could they accept another card other than the one's available to them?

              Doug: "If you wish to add PPP to your site to be able to accept SOLO then there is information on how to do this in the Actnic help as well as on the forum."

              My OP says that I have searched the forum and cannot find an answer, that is the reason for my post ...

              Simon Williams
              Actinic Designer v.



                To add SOLO to the card types offered, do to 'Business Settings | Payment and Security' and select the 'Credit Card Details captured for later processing' method then click on the 'Configure Method' button, in the pane that this brings up you will find the default 4 options.

                Next to 'Name' you will find a + sign, click on this to create a new row and then enter 'SOLO' and click on 'OK' then 'Apply'. You should now see 'SOLO' too as an option.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King

