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clicking on the "Login" button - strange then a crash

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    clicking on the "Login" button - strange then a crash

    I've been trying to "customise" the login button on the LoginPage
    and without thinking, each time I press it (trying to locate the bit of code that I need to apply some style to) , it comes up with a BLANK error message and asks you to press "OK" (take a look at the attached pic)

    thinking nothing of it, other than "thats strange, actinic playing up again" I press OK, then go ahead and style the button with the simple addition of class='formButton' attribute.

    the layout happily saves and again, I think nothing of it.
    The problem is, its clearly doing something to my database, as each time I "style THAT button" - and then upload it to the web, the buttons on all the checkout pages refuses to work.

    From then on, each time I try clicking on "Next" on page two of the checkout, the page simply diverts the user back to the last catalog page they were viewing. - I cannot pass the page, I can ignore the clicking of the "acknowledge terms", and again instead of generating an error message and showing me the checkout page again, it simpley send me back to catalog.

    I've tried removing the bit of style and refreshing the site, - nada - I have tried totally refreshing the site - nada - there is nothing I can do,
    the ONLY solution is to restore from a backup that I made 2 minutes BEFORE playing with the button. (new readers - learn from the "I did a backup BEFORE I played")

    I've included a picture of the offending error message - if anyone knows what its telling me, then please enlighten me.

    I've actually given up trying to ammend the button - its simply not worth the effort
    Attached Files

    the addition of the style class is EXACTLY the way I'm doing it, - forcing css styles is relativly easy ,

    I have tried adding a new class of input.submit{} to be applied to all submit buttons wherever they are, but I understand that IE has potential issues with that syntax (read IE bug). - doing it this way would have mean't that i did not have to add the style attribute to the individual buttons.

    the preview of the page is NOT the issue, (I understand that's a static page) its when I upload it to the test web site that I generate the errors and then, apart from the blank meaningless error message, I get no other warning that it WILL crash on the web

    I've experimented a lot here, its ONLY when I click on the Login Button to re-style that I get the problem.

    This morning, I've happily re-styled individual buttons everywhere EXCEPT the login button - the moment I touch that, BANG, the site will stop working when I upload to the web.

    Frustrating but . . . I'll happily just ignore the login button, its quicker and easier.

    thanks anyway


      you miss the point,
      I'm not looking for a style lesson, I am very happy to style anything within actinic, the main point is, clicking on the login button stuffs the actinic page clicks ONCE you load onto the web.
      I have styled the button using other methods, but again, the point is, the physical clicking of the button causes the crash.

      In this particular case, I gave the styling job to the missus, (who does NOT understand html)

      she was told "click on the button(s) on each page you pick on the dropdown, and actinic will find the code area you need to look at - once you have the code layout, find the submit button(s) and add the required code to it"

      she followed these instructions to the letter, ALL other pages and stylings did NOT cause any problem, BUT EACH time she clicked the login button, the blank message came up (which she clicked to acknowledge) followed by the code. she changed it, and then later the pages fell over

      nobodies fault, just a statement of fact "if you click on this particular button in MY installation, you later get a big mess without any formal warning at all


        I get the same "error" message (or lack of!) when I click on the login button too, Kevin, so it's not just you.

