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Outsourcing data input options

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    Outsourcing data input options

    Hi All

    Ive got a problem regarding the imput of thousands of products into various sites in time for the Chri*t*** period (cant bring myself to use that word in october) and need to find a solution fast

    ive not had much luck with data import for the following reasons

    1 one client sends me one email per new product, with one image attached out of which i make the thumbnail and extended info enlargement. he includes as text in the email the product options like sizes and price
    2 Another sends me cds of images and prices in a Xl file
    3 Another sends me old fangled printed catalogues for scanning, yikes!

    although data import may still be my best bet if i can work our a way to convert at least some of the new products i get sent into an importable format without taking longer to do that than it would to enter one at at time (scary thought)

    any tips on the above would be glady accepted, but my main thought for a soltion is this; Can i install V8 on another machine and hire someone to do it? then export that snapshot for importing into the main pc without either License problems or more problems with a lumpy import/ export?

    anyone faced the same problem and found a way out? i dont want to hav t o purchase another copy of actinic but without that and not being able to find an inport solution, i cant think of a way to get this job all done in 2-3 months!!!

    yours desperatly!

    (lets keep Chri*t*** special)

    Originally posted by Barry
    Can i install V8 on another machine and hire someone to do it?
    The license is per the URL so you can install the site onto a number of machines to work on the same site.

    Getting the info from 1 to the other is the pit trap. The hierarchical export/ import is meant to work but often dies on it's proverbial. You could go the direct route and try to merge the 2 databases .. someone like Jan or Bill etc would be better placed to comment on the pitfalls and things to note if going that route.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

