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Product Description

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    Product Description

    When I add new lines to my product description, like this:

    Product text.
    New line of text.
    Another new line of text.

    It appears like this in the page preview:

    Product Text

    New line of text.

    Another new line of text.

    ie - it makes a space between the lines of text. Can't change it back to normal - help!!

    The default layouts are usually wrapped between <p> ... </p> tags .. it is the line spacing / margin of the <p> often causing the issue.

    Edit the layout wrapping the product description to remove any <p> tags (these are often spanning whole chunks of code not just specific layouts .. so you may need to close before and open again after the product description) and assign a <span class="clossText"> ... </span> and declare the class in the stylesheet actinic.css with closer margins / padding / line heights etc to get the affect you need.

    If it was working correctly before it is something you have modified in either the CSS or by changing the layout class

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

