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'Sending one adjustment to portal' message

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    'Sending one adjustment to portal' message

    I have just done a 'Retrieve Orders' action and had a message window flash up that included the text 'Sending one adjustment to portal' (or very similar - it was on screen for only a fraction of a second before it disappeared and was replaced by the final 'There were no orders to retrieve ...' message).

    This isn't a message that I have seen before. I have checked all of the normal places I look to find out what I have done to the application or what it has done to me but with no success. I cannot find any reference to this message or anything seemingly related in any of the threads here, in the v8 advanced guide or starter guide, on the Actinic website, through Google or Yahoo.

    I am using Actinic Business Multisite v8. I had done a number of 'Retrieve Orders' actions since uploading changes to the website and have done a couple of 'Retrieve Orders' actions since but not seen the same message.

    I can see no obvious adverse impacts on my data, store, etc. so am assuming it was nothing to be concerned about. However being curious and always wary of assumptions I would prefer to know what the message was actually trying to tell me - whoever coded it obviously thought it important enough that I should be told about it! Does anyone know where I might be able to find out?

    Thanks in advance!
    Brian Mercer

    Azurra Mosaics