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Upload Variable

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    Upload Variable


    I have create a custom 'file' variable attached to fragments (for another image) and ticked upload. However the image is never uploaded... Very confused, any ideas, is this a bug?



    If you read Variable Configuration in the actinic help file that should shead some light on what you're doing wrong re upload checkbox.

    The method to include additional images in fragments is basically the same as adding them to products, so you should also read the thread below.


      Ok, I unticked the upload checkbox, although I dont think that would make any difference to the fact that the file isn't uploading.

      I think my problem is that the file is not referenced in an src so Actinic is not uploading. However I do need this uploaded as I am trying to use the lightbox.js script. I tried putting in a dummy src, but this doesn't seem to work. Example code below.

      <span class="projimg"><a href="<actinic:variable name="Large Image" />" src="<actinic:variable name="Large Image" />" rel="lightbox[images]"><actinic:variable name="FragmentImage" /></a></span>
      I think there is a case for a 'forced upload' variable type to deal with situations like this. This should be an easy thing to implement. Will have to add them all to additional files, but there are loads of images to do and it adds another step for the user so this is not ideal.

      Any other thoughts anyone?



        The "Upload" checkbox means that the variables value (if it's a Product level one) will be made available to the Perl scripts for use in advanced customisation. It won't put the file on the server for you.

        Actinic V8 automatically uploads files if it detects them in the generated pages. However it doesn't do this for all file types, so perhaps that's your problem.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Yep, I read about the upload box, I just meant that it wouldn't stop it uploading so that wasn't the problem.

          I think the problem was that there was no src registered with the file. That dummy one is actually working now but my server is being weird...

          Do you not think it would be handy to have a forced upload option so Actinic didn't have to find it in the site somewhere for situations like this?



            That's what Design / Additional Files is for.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Yep, just saying it isn't ideal in this case. Which it isn't.

