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Another question - website images

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    Another question - website images

    I have uploaded my site to but there are a quite a number of images that are not displayed on the site that were shown when building the pages. Before I start looking into it further could anyone suggest where I may have gone wrong?

    Thanks in advance
    Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
    Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products

    Probably stored outside of the site1 folder or referenced incorrectly or maybe even not saved properly. Odds on being one of these 3 reasons. Get the basics right first and make sure they are all in the site1 folder.


      One further thing - one one of our PCs running XP I can see some of the images and on our new PC running Vista I can't........
      Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
      Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products


        Put them in the site1 folder and it is immaterial what operating system you are running, they will work as there are thousands of sites with this setup.


          Thanks everyone for your help - I will move my images.

          Interestingly when I e-mailed Actinic support last week to check where my images should be filed before uploading the site they said it didn't matter you could site them anywhere on your PC. Obviously not the correct advice.....

          Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
          Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products


            Originally posted by Sharon
            Thanks everyone for your help - I will move my images.

            Interestingly when I e-mailed Actinic support last week to check where my images should be filed before uploading the site they said it didn't matter you could site them anywhere on your PC. Obviously not the correct advice.....
            well, tbh, it didn't used to matter.
            It was always preferable to have them in the site1 folder but it used to work perfectly well when they weren't.

            For some reason (maybe down to V8?) it's a bit more picky nowadays.


              Interestingly when I e-mailed Actinic support last week to check where my images should be filed before uploading the site they said it didn't matter you could site them anywhere on your PC. Obviously not the correct advice.....
              Reply With Quote
              Technically it is true you can have images anywhere on your PC, Actinic are correct in telling you this.

              But practically it is often better to keep things simple and keep them in Site1.

              99.9% of posts in the forum about missing images are from people who do not keep them in Site1.


                It's also a pain in the backside if you ever use a designer as it fires error messages all the time on a snapshot import. The software IMO should prohibit images outside of site1 being used, always problems when they are.


                  There's also nothing to prevent you keeping your images in a folder within Site1. E.g. Site1/ProductImages as this makes them easier to maintain, has less risk of you deleting something essential, and also is Snapshot friendly.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

