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Upload errors

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    Upload errors

    I came in this morning to find that our website was having problems with the checkout cart - When you placed an item in the basket, then went to checkout - it came up saying the shopping cart was empty.

    So I tried to do a site refresh and kept coming up with an FTP error saying 'Operation timed out' so i cancelled it.

    I then went into Network settings and unchecked the Use enhanced FTP and tested the settings - which turned out to be fine.

    Now i can't seem to upload at all. I press the upload or refresh button and it does completely nothing, but i can work in actinic and with the orders as normal.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it to do a refresh as i have restarted my computer and still does nothing.

    or it could be this


      I have changed the script id and uploaded it and it seemed to have worked but will keep an eye on the site for the next few days to make sure it still works.

      Thanks for your help.


        How can you make thing work in both internet explorer and firefox?


          Wow, i just downloaded firefox and it is messed up..... not sure how to fix it at the moment but will look into it.

