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Add to cart error

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    Add to cart error

    hi, i seem to have a problem with my newly uploaded shop, for some reason i get the following or similar message when i click the add to cart button and all of my pages:

    The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /acatalog/Gunn_and_Moore_Catalyst_Original_Cricket_Bat.html

    Please can someone help me??

    Ask your host to enable the POST verb. If they cannot do this, you will need a new host.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Has it ever worked or has it now stopped?

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        It has stopped working today, so unless my host has changed something i am not sure what it is???


          Host are a pain and will never admit to anything even when it is their fault.

          Have you changed any layouts today? Roll back to yesterday's snapshot and test upload to rule out the host. If that works then you need to reset the faulty layout in the library (or leave in your working snapshot and import the recent orders and product data)

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Still no joy, am waiting on a reply from my host but all other functions such as the shopping cart and search are working. When hovering over the add to cart button it doesnt appear to be displaying the correct link, i am assuming it should be directing to the cgi bin, but instead it just shows a link to the page.

            Below is a link to a page, if you try and use the add to cart button you will see what i mean:


            I have tried reseting the various elements such as base ref, addtocart etc but still no joy, hopefully it will be a server issue, as i dont know what else to do. Any more help would be greatly appreciated.


              can't help with the problem but you really should view your page in Firefox, it's rather messed up with the product content appearing below the bulk of the page

              Just thought I should mention it


                Not a solution but you need to look at your site in Firefox as the layout is totally to pot.

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  Originally posted by budgetbumps
                  can't help with the problem but you really should view your page in Firefox, it's rather messed up with the product content appearing below the bulk of the page
                  Hey - stop reading my thoughts

                  SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                    Yeah, i know, thats just a few simple css tweaks though, not too worried about that, other problem is the real stress!! , thanks for noticing though


                      Originally posted by jont
                      Hey - stop reading my thoughts
                      stop rummaging through my drawers ( )then


                        Originally posted by vigarc
                        Yeah, i know, thats just a few simple css tweaks though, not too worried about that, other problem is the real stress!! , thanks for noticing though
                        check your <form> code (in your design tab) and compare against a working products code because it is missing the shopping cart script url from what I can see.


                          all products have the same problem, so i am assuming it is a generic problem?
                          could i paste you the code to have a look?


                            of course...just post it in between


                              this is the code for the add to cart button:

                              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22CartButtonVisibleToAllCustomers%22%20%2f%3e" >
                              <!-- This code is used when the cart button is visible to all customers -->
                              <input type="image"
                              src="<actinic:variable name="CartButtonImage" />"
                              name="_<actinic:variable Name="ProductID"/>"
                              alt="Add to Cart"

                              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22EnabledForCustomerGroupID%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22">
                              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductPriceIsEnabled%22%20%2f%3e">
                              <!-- This code is used when the cart button is visible to retail customers, but not all other customer groups -->
                              <Actinic:ShowForPriceSchedule Schedules="<actinic:variable name="EnabledForCustomerGroupID" />">
                              <input type="image"
                              src="<actinic:variable name="CartButtonImage" />"
                              name="_<actinic:variable Name="ProductID"/>"
                              alt="Add to Cart"

                              <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductPriceIsEnabled%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20FALSE" >
                              <!-- This code is only used when the cart button needs to hidden from certain customer groups -->
                              <Actinic:ShowForPriceSchedule Schedules="<actinic:variable name="EnabledForCustomerGroupID" />" HTML="<input type='image' src='<actinic:variable name="CartButtonImage" />' name='_<actinic:variable Name="ProductID"/>' alt='Add to Cart' />"></Actinic:ShowForPriceSchedule>

                              is that of any use?

