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Add To Cart on Marketing Lists, Also Boughts, Related Products, Marketing Add To Cart

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    Add To Cart on Marketing Lists, Also Boughts, Related Products, Marketing Add To Cart

    I got asked about doing this today and it was the first time i have been asked about it, however i actually think it is a very logical idea and surprised i can see no mention of it previously on the forum, the KB or the AUG.

    I vaguely recall reading something about this and the fact that the way the lists are compiled means that having an add to cart facility is not possible, but it's a distant memory and i may be wrong. On adding the add to cart button to the product layouts, it fires an error message, which leads me to believe that my distant memory is correct.

    Can anyone confirm this to be the case or has anyone cracked having these products available to be added to the cart.

    Apologies for the long title, it was to hopefully aid any future searches of the forum as the results are woeful, i just cannot believe this has not been asked about before and where the hell did i get this memory from if not.


    I think this was discussed way back in the beta program of v8. Basically, the 'Best Sellers' and 'New Products' sections that you see in the default db are actually marketing lists - with add to cart buttons that work.

    You'll see that the 'Full Best Seller Layout' and the 'Full New Products Layout' don't fit too well into a sidebar - but if you take the code from these, hack out all the layout stuff you don't want and use them in your sidebar marketing lists, it should work - you just need a bit of conditionality around it so it only appears on section pages.


      Hi Chris

      Thanks for the reply. I can see the full 'new products' and 'best sellers' lists do this, however this relates to 'related products' and 'also boughts'. The add to cart button on the 'new products' and 'best sellers' is just the normal add to cart it would appear, nothing special. Yet if this gets added to the also bought and related lists, then the error message fires when you press it.

      To confirm this is within product layouts, not side wide, i just don't understand why this have never been asked before a number of times.


        I too remember it being discussed and a solution as well - even remember seeing a site using it - it was about 6 months ago I think. The reason I did not impliment it was that if you were using Google Base it would be picked up as a multi product page which is not allowed.

        If your not bothered about that then its a good idea.


          That's an issue here too and it will be a toss of a coin as to whether the visitor or Google wins i guess, if in fact it is possible. Problem being that if you select a related product and add it to cart on its own page, you lose the back button to get back to the main product as you get the cart expiry screen during that process.

          If you want to select the related products to add to your main purchase you have a right ballache ahead of you and certainly not user friendly.

          If it was possible to have the add to cart on these lists, i cannot for the life of me see why actinic would not give you the option in the first place. I think you are getting mixed up with best sellers and new products which i can also recall being discussed some time ago.


            getting mixed up
            Maybe - Im getting old and grey but I certainly remember seeing it add to cart in the related products as I toyed with the idea for a while before GB issued the single product statement and I ditched it.


              Oops - sorry - here's me trying to answer things too quickly.

              You'll definitely have to have a shopping mode of 'Quantity on Product Page' and you'll also need to make sure the "ProductAlsoBoughtList" and the "ProductRelatedProductsList"layout selectors are both outside of the </form> tag in the product layout - but it does work OK.

