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Best Sellers Question

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    Comment it out like i showed you.


      Do I put the comment out bit either side of the whole line of code or just the ProductDescription bit of text, like this

      <p class="text_product_small_info"><actinic:variable name="<!--ProductDescription-->" /><br>


        <!--<actinic:variable name="ProductDescription" />-->

        If you did it your way, you'd only be commenting out the variable name and not the variable declaration. If you wanted to throw a tin of beans into the bin, would you open the can and tip the beans into the bin and leave the can on the side or throw the complete can in the bin? It's the same logic, don't get confused by it, it only looks complicated.


          I have no idea how to edit that bit of text cos it only showed up like that when I copied and pasted. So instead I put the 'comment out' either side of ProductDescription, like this:

          Click image for larger version

Name:	commentout.gif
Views:	1
Size:	5.4 KB
ID:	542287

          It seems to work but could i cause any problems doing it that way, do you think?


            Originally posted by leehack
            <!--<actinic:variable name="ProductDescription" />-->

            If you did it your way, you'd only be commenting out the variable name and not the variable declaration. If you wanted to throw a tin of beans into the bin, would you open the can and tip the beans into the bin and leave the can on the side or throw the complete can in the bin? It's the same logic, don't get confused by it, it only looks complicated.
            Sorry, I only just saw your reply here.

            I don't know how to do this

            <!--<actinic:variable name="ProductDescription" />-->


              There are two views for the bottom window, expanded or compact. Click on the little green square icon in the left corner to switch between expand or compact. You will then see how well you have done. Congrats you are now officially an actinic hacker, welcome to the club. Jonty is president, will get him onto your membership card on Monday.


                Your help has been amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to help me. I appreciate it.

                OK, thanks to you.. all done and looking so much better without all that text



                  Well done Jenny, my pleasure. Looking much better.


                    <!-- ProductDescription -->

