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Prefixed product codes for specific sections

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    Prefixed product codes for specific sections

    Hey, I was wondering if anyone knows how I might add specific product code prefixes in actinic? I have had a search on the forum and can't quite find what I am after.. apologies if I have missed a thread!

    Basically what I have is several sections (ie mens and ladies) and within those sections I have sub sections such as Dresses, Tops etc..

    What I'd like to do is have a product code prefix for each of the sub sections. For example dresses might be DRS123 or for tops TPS456 and so on.

    Does anyone know if this is possible and if so any information on how I can do this?

    Thanks, Ally

    You can manually set product references by switching actinic off and telling it you will do them yourself. If you do this, simply add your chosen references to said products. It's in Business Settings where you select manual or auto product references. Each product must be uniquely numbered though, so increment through the alphabet for the end character on each product.



      Doh! I knew it would be something simple :P

      Thanks very much

      Keep your eyes peeled for and let me know what you think!


