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Data transfer Limits - MySpace, Facebook users

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    Data transfer Limits - MySpace, Facebook users


    I received an email from my ISP informing that I may exceed my bandwidth limit for the month. So I checked out my stats and I see that MySpace, Facebook and some forums are using my website pics as wallpapers.

    This must be using quite a bit of data transfer as each time their pages are visited it would load pics from my site.

    Is there a way I can stop them from abusing my data limit? As I am basically paying for them to host my pics on their site.
    Leigh Robinson

    Hand forged, hand folded custom swords

    There are ways to prevent images being loaded from pages outside your domain. I'm not fully up to date on that so wait for others to make suggestions.

    However you could make use of this if you want some fun. Locate a few of these highly used images and create copies with new file-names that you use for your real products. However re-upload (Design / Additional Files) these pirated images with your images replaced by something naughty or text like "Shop at".

    There's a hilarious post here where someone was selling expensive power tools and linking to a Forum users images. Our man replace them with a "Half price if you buy before 6pm today" message. See for the fun.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

