I use a script to open a pop up information page. I would like to cancel the horizontal and vertical scrollbar. Code is :
"javascript:ShowPopUp('http://www.supreme.fr/truc.html','_blank','toolbar=0, location=0, directories=0, status=0, scrollbars=0, resizable=0, copyhistory=0, menuBar=0, width=768, height=568, left=10, top=10');"
I thought that scrollbars=0 is sufficient and it seems not to be.
How can I do ?
I use a script to open a pop up information page. I would like to cancel the horizontal and vertical scrollbar. Code is :
"javascript:ShowPopUp('http://www.supreme.fr/truc.html','_blank','toolbar=0, location=0, directories=0, status=0, scrollbars=0, resizable=0, copyhistory=0, menuBar=0, width=768, height=568, left=10, top=10');"
I thought that scrollbars=0 is sufficient and it seems not to be.
How can I do ?