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Buy X and Get Y Free

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    Buy X and Get Y Free


    I wonder if someone can help me.

    I want to add an option on my store that if someone buy X quantity of prodcut A, he/she can choose Y quantity of prodcut A or B considering as a free product.

    I have been messgin around product groups and discounts but couldn't get it working. Can someone describe this method step by step please?

    Assad Gilani

    Can you tell us 'step by step' what you have done/tried so far and perhaps provide some screenshots of where you are currently at, we will then be in a better position to help. Don't forget to tell us 'step by step' please.



      I have done the following:

      1 - Selected few prodcuts and added in one group
      2 - Added a new discount against that particular product
      3 - Set quantity based trigger i.e. 5
      4 - Set 100 against %age off on extra product.
      5 - Selected free product (unable to assign a group here, grayed option)

      Tested it and worked for one product but unable to select multiple free products in discount section.


        I'm trying to the do the same/similar - does anyone have the answer to this?

        I have a product "ABC" in it's own group "XYZ", I want a "buy 3 get 1 free" offer on ABC.

        What I'm trying to do is set it so if they add 4 it will charge 4 and refund 1 - but if there is a way to do it so if they add 3 it will add another automatically with a zero value that will be more intuative...

        I've then set a 'cart content' discount with - based on qty, trigger 4, product group XYZ, reward 100% off extra...

        but then can't select the XYZ group for the reward group...

        I could get it to work by having a fixed reward, but the price of the product might change quite often so that would be a pain - so what's the best way?

        [sorry, just noticed this thread is in v8, mine is a v7 question so I'll start a new thread in the correct forum]
        Last edited by jxm28788; 17-Jan-2008, 12:47 PM. Reason: wrong group


          reward 100% off extra...
          You need to use '% off cheapest' for the reward rather than '% of extra product'. This will discount the products ordered rather than offer a discount on a new product.

          To help customers to understand it, you could always call it a '4 for the price of 3' discount rather than 'buy three get another one free'.


            I'm having a similar problem getting the basic BOGOF to work. Ive tried all permutations and followed the instructions in the manual. I'm at the stage where the customer buys one product and it's charged at normal price - they then buy another one of that product and they get both of them free not just one.

            I'm using business V7 and I've set it up as:
            • cart contents
            • Based on quantity
            • trigger 2
            • reward type - % off
            • reward amt - 100

            Any help would be very much appreciated as i just can't get it to work properly!
            many thanks


              reward amt - 100
              try changing this to 50


                Thanks - for this. I've just done that and changed the amt to 50 and uploaded the site. It does now work in a round about way - ie if you buy 1 and then buy a second you get the second one for free but if you add a third you get that for half price. It's better than before but i'm sure there must be a very simple thing i'm missing!



                  Hi Lesley,

                  cart contents
                  Based on quantity
                  trigger 2
                  reward type - % off
                  reward amt - 100
                  Try 'reward type - % off cheapest'


                    Hi Tracey,

                    Thanks for your reply. I did try your suggestion previously along with all other permutations but it still didn't work correctly. I will try it again though a little later and let you know how i get on.

                    Many thanks


