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Opinion on V8 redesigns

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    Opinion on V8 redesigns

    Just finished a couple of re-designs in V8.

    I have tried to keep the design simple and with the addition of some of Norman's add-ons I think the sites look and work well.

    I would welcome any feedback or suggestions for further improvements.

    James - vitamins for macular degeneration - natural/organic cosmetics and skin care for sensitive skin & eyes - eye drops, vitamins and other eye care products - optical and prescription swimming goggles

    Dry eyes looks a bit dull and too narrow for my liking, build for 1024 screens, 800 wide sites are at least 12 months too old now. Contact lens site tells me eyes and colours (possibly coloured lenses?) would create some impact. Check my logo out and tell me what you notice first. If i have predicted the correct answer you will see what i mean.

    Swimming goggles site has some good content and features, but i don't think the logo works as the header area looks a bit of a mess to my eyes.

    I can see you have worked hard on the content, just think you need to polish them a little more on the presentation side.


      Originally posted by leehack
      Dry eyes looks a bit dull and too narrow for my liking, build for 1024 screens, 800 wide sites are at least 12 months too old now.
      If it had a contrasting background colour, it'd look better, IMO.
      I've been asked to do a site to fit 800 (because the persons other 2 sites are done that way) and I think putting a background in helps, definitely

      Originally posted by leehack
      Swimming goggles site has some good content and features, but i don't think the logo works as the header area looks a bit of a mess to my eyes.
      tbh, the first thing I noticed it how tiny the text is! Considering your creating sites that are vision-related..perhaps up the default text size a little and make them easier to read?
      JMO, obviously


        Why when I click on the main image do I get to a page with two links which when clicked take me away from the site?

        Agree with Lee get rid of the 800 width is sooooo old hat - people have bigger monitors these days and want to see sites that fit them.


          I've been asked to do a site to fit 800 (because the persons other 2 sites are done that way)
          it really is the job of a designer to educate a client as to why some of their decisions are not the best ones. You should really talk your client into accepting that 800 is dead and thus to design for 800 (5% of vistors) you actually compromise 1280x800 (most common widescreen res) which is now 40%.


            Originally posted by pinbrook
            it really is the job of a designer to educate a client as to why some of their decisions are not the best ones. You should really talk your client into accepting that 800 is dead and thus to design for 800 (5% of vistors) you actually compromise 1280x800 (most common widescreen res) which is now 40%.
            designer? hmmm...

            firstly, I agree..and I know..and we've had the discussion!
            but she doesn't want it different from the other 2 and also doesn't want to change the other 2

            Her pages (apart from the resources page FULL of links ) are all pretty short in length so, tbh, they look ok which hasn't helped me to talk her out of it.

            At the end of the day, she is paying me so I can't afford to piss her off by nagging!


              Originally posted by budgetbumps
              At the end of the day, she is paying me so I can't afford to piss her off by nagging!
              Don't nag, tell her how it is, no discussions lol.


                Originally posted by leehack
                Don't nag, tell her how it is, no discussions lol.

                you know what I mean

                she wasn't going to be easily persuaded so I let it go! (believe me, I don't lose easily )


                  I quite like the header on Dry Eyes..... until you get to the wording "Dry Eyes" - it merges in with the water because it's the same colour scheme and is therefore difficult to read. The wording either needs to be moved up or it needs to be in contrasting colour scheme.

                  Agree with others - design for something bigger than 800px.

                  sorry, but this made me chuckle from the T&Cs page of both sites..

                  Credit Card Security ~ We know of no documented cases of credit card fraud using our shopping system over the Internet.

                  does that imply that all cases of credit card fraud are undocumented?

                  I think you should make it easier to find info on P&P - it is buried in the T&Cs page and is not really visible until you check out. And talking of which, your T&Cs state a flat rate of £1.50 to the UK. I've started the checkout process and got a price of £4.68+VAT for first class packet. This needs looking at. (I checked the Dry Eyes not the goggles site). Looks like it is including UK in Europe (which is another subject entirely!!)

                  I would also make more of credit card security and the use of WorldPay rather than leaving it buried in the T&C page.


                  Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                  SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                  Based in rural Northants


                    I've had a similar project over the past couple of days being discussed. It is very hard to discuss at times when they have something locked in. But i can honestly say i have never lost an argument in this area and they have always thanked me after. Without sounding like a pratt, i really do think you have to be cruel to be kind in this area. Stand firm Bumpsy.


                      At the end of the day, she is paying me so I can't afford to piss her off by nagging!
                      Not necessarily, she is paying you because you are the paid professional and she is not It is your duty to educate, if you educate properly she will come to her own correct conclusion. Nagging and educating are 2 different things. I nag my other half to death and I can bet my bottom dollar he doesn't consider it an education....


                        Originally posted by Goz
                        the wording "Dry Eyes"
                        Looks more like "Dry Eves"

                        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                          Well our snow has buggered off Jonty....


                            I'd like to see the Store sections on the dry Eyes site in alphabetical order, i also think the top banner/graphic should be bue/green and not grey. Grey makes me think uncomfortable eyes - blue/green makes me think bright healthy eyes


                              Originally posted by jont
                              Looks more like "Dry Eves"
                              And that's another sort of lubrication entirely...
                              Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                              SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                              Based in rural Northants

