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Vista <=> XP Backward Compatible Issue?

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    Vista <=> XP Backward Compatible Issue?

    Hi Guys

    A client and I have just discovered that you can send a snapshot from XP to Vista without issue, BUT when you send it the other way Actinic crashes.

    The minute you browse to the acd the software goes nope....I am off

    I have tried partial ss's, complete ss's and even exported H files without any sign off success. We are currently uninstalling and reinistalling again from a clean ss to see if there is anything amiss.

    Events that happen are:
    Full snapshot Vista to XP
    1 sections missing
    2 images missing
    3 looking for tmp file error messages

    CSV H import
    1 extra fields (it creates a whole row of ,,, by itself in Vista??)
    2 failure to see any images (yes, they are in site 1)

    The upshot was last night that Actinic refused to open on the Vista machine hence a reinstall.

    Very annoying and potentially a fatal issue until we all switch to Vista

    I have checked the site for user errors etc but nothing has turned up. May need to shoot this off for an actinic developer rebuild?

    Zoltan.....where are youuuuu...

    My queston is thus, anyone out there managed to get

    A a full snapshot from vista into XP
    B a partial design from vista into XP

    Ta guys
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    Yes I've done several from Vista to XP both snapshot and partial design without problem, so not sure what would be different in your case, maybe a problem in your particular installation.

    Is it on 8.5.1 or the new beta 8.5.2?


      Originally posted by peblaco
      Yes I've done several from Vista to XP both snapshot and partial design without problem, so not sure what would be different in your case, maybe a problem in your particular installation.

      Is it on 8.5.1 or the new beta 8.5.2?
      Hi Lousie, ta for the reply.

      8.5.1 hiza. I have just unearthed an issue with the images that may (or may not) be a factor...he has saved them with spaces

      I also thought it could be an install issue hence the request for him to reinstall...we shall see

      Thanks again mate.
      Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
      Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting



        I do it alot, between the laptop and PC no problems for me either.



          cheers for the info Dazza, looks like a user error could be afoot

          May have to go 'onsite' to see what he does in person.
          Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
          Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


            just spoke with him and it appears he upgraded using the patch (HERA to HIZA)

            I wonder...................
            Affordable solutions for busy professionals.
            Website Maintenance | UK Web Hosting


              We had problems (large ones) after exporting from , importing to Vista, inputting lots of new products then importing that snapshot back to XP for upload. Namely that on soem of our products, the attribute choice does not show up in the cart. its still a problem now (must chase up Actinic support on this one)

              if your interested the details of that are here

              it seems there are certainly some issues with the XP - Vista snapshot switch

