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Expert Help Needed Please!

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    Expert Help Needed Please!

    Hi Guys,

    I desperately need some help on the following questions please.

    * I am using an Apple Mac with Actinic running on 'Parallels Desktop'. Everything works fine apart from when you try to upload or test the network connection. I have had a look at my network settings and have Actinic telephone support check it all out and it seems to be fine, as i can export and use on my PC, but cant work it on the Parallels machine.
    The general web and other web related programs all work within Parallels, but Actinic is the only one im having problems with. I am using Version 8.5.1, Business MultiSite, but have also tried it using Version 7 and same problem. I do not have a firewall blocking it, as i have checked and allowed access in the windows standard firewall. i have also switched off firewall temporarily and still the same problem! BTW, i am using Parallels version 'Build 3214' (June07)

    This is the error message im getting when i try to upload or test my connection:

    An error occured while checking the FTP transfer mode -- 200 Type set to A.
    500 'ZZZZ 10,211,55,3,19,137': command not understood
    500 'LPRT 6,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,120,220,18,0,0,0,20,0,2,4,103': command not understood
    Try using the other mode.

    * Second question is, im trying to create a drop down list out my store selection on my home page. At the moment its listing all the categories (using smart theme) one by one but wanted it like a drop down menu list instead, anyone know how to do this rather than having to hand write every menu?

    * Finally, i have switched on the marketing options to show 'people who bought this, also bought...' and at the moment it only shows text of the product, is there anyway of showing a thumbnail pic alongside it?

    Your expert help is desperately needed!!!

    Thank you


    Originally posted by binisingh
    * Finally, i have switched on the marketing options to show 'people who bought this, also bought...' and at the moment it only shows text of the product, is there anyway of showing a thumbnail pic alongside it?
    this thread will help you


    Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


      I had a similar problem running Actinic on v8; but it was showing a different error message:
      200 Type set to I
      504 Command not implemented for that parameter
      This occurred when trying to connect using an active FTP connection.

      However I found out a fix for this after viewing the Parallels support forum - you need to change the networking from shared to bridged networking (Windows needs to be stopped in order to change these settings). You then have to configure the networking from within Windows; your virtual machine will then appear as a standalone computer on the network, rather than being 'hid' behind your Mac.

      Whether or not this will fix your particular error message I'm not sure; but it's worth a try.


        Excellent title, really helpful, should help thousands after you.



          I had a different message about not being able to connect to the ftp server and this solved my problem.


 - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.

