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Linking to Products WITH Components/Attributes

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    Linking to Products WITH Components/Attributes

    I am trying to link from outside Actinic (ie. from an email newsletter or separate website) to a product in my store - but I want to link so that the product and the right component/attribute choice is selected.

    I can link to a product simply with:


    (xx added to prevent url being shown as active link)

    However, this product has 3 choices associated with it - each already set up with a different price (delivery by download, CD, and memory card).

    If I use:


    then it still displays the product with the default option (download) selected.

    This is the code snippet being used to generate the product page that I took the parameter names from:

    <input type="hidden" name="v_34_2" value="on" /> Delivery<br><Actinic:PRICE_EXPLANATION PROD_REF="34" COMPONENTID=0></Actinic:PRICE_EXPLANATION><br>
    <span class="text_options">Version</span>
    <br /><select name="v_34_1" class="form_input_general">
    <option value="1"> Download (470MB zip) £0.00&nbsp;</option>
    <option value="2"> CD £0.00&nbsp;</option>
    <option value="4"> 1GB MicroSD Memory Card £8.00&nbsp;</option>
    <option value="3"> 1GB MiniSD Memory Card £8.00&nbsp;</option>
    <option value="5"> 4GB MicroSDHC Memory Card £34.99&nbsp;</option>

    I can put the precise option into the shopping cart okay using this type of URL - but it doesn't seem to work to set the right options to be shown on the store product pages.

    I suspect I am overlooking something obvious, as it is pretty common to want to link into a store from an email newsletter - but...

    I do not think what you are trying to do is possible.
    The script that takes you directly to the product is the search script, there is nothing within this script to accept the parameters that you have used.
    In fact there is nothing to accept any 'Component/Attribute' parameters as they are seen as adjustments to the master product (a 'component' of a product, or an 'attribute' of a product).

    The parameters you have used are for use with the cart script.
    It is entirely possible to add a base product to the shopping cart from anywhere on the internet, however it cannot be a product with 'Components' and 'Attributes'.

    Additionally, the pages used for the normal product pages are static HTML, there is no dynamic content, so there is no real way to change the selection on the default page.


      As Gary says, you cannot do this directly within the call. The only way I could think of achieving this would be to link directly to the page. E.g.

      <a href="">Go there</a>

      Then in your product layout (at the end) add some JavaScript that checks the page URL's query string for a matching product ref (the ref=1234 bit) and if found sets the variant selectors as per the other parameters.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

