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Snapshot Crashes Actinic

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    Snapshot Crashes Actinic

    I have one site, out of many, that crashes Actinic when I attempt a site snapshot export. All the others are ok.

    When I then open Actinic again the site is there but the snapshot import is corrupt nwith an 'unexpected end of file' message.

    The site is fairly new so it's not a show stopper, but I'd rather not have to redo a couple of days work.

    I have seen this in other posts but am as yet unable to find a solution in any of them. I'd post in an existing one but some are v7 and some have degenerated into banter and off message discussion. None offer a conclusion.

    You could try and open the database in Access and then do a database repair/compact there.


      Turns out that it was a rouge entry in a hierachical file import.
      Still can't work out which one!!!
      But problem solved.
      Thanks Duncan for your suggestion.
      That DID highlight another problem I didn't know I had, of a 62mb database with hardly any products.

