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Discounts based on choices of a product - please help

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    Discounts based on choices of a product - please help

    Our canvas prints gallery has components and attributes for each print - they are the size options (16x12,...,48x36" etc.) and the colour options (full colour, black and white etc.)

    We'd like to offer customers any free SMALL print for every LARGE print ordered. This can be any print (product) from our gallery/store. Therefore in the "Discount and Surcharge settings" I need to apply the discount only to certain attribute choices of each product (i.e. if it is above a certain size), and permit a free product but only a small print.

    I hope this is making sense. Basically all I can see in the settings is to make offers for products in certain product groups, regardless of their components/attributes/choices - which as I understand cannot be overlooked as they often make a significant difference to the price.

    Is there a way of setting the offer to apply only if a certain range of choices are selected?

    Thanks in advance,


    Are your attributes hidden products or are they just hard coded in? If hard coded in, i don't see you doing this too easily. If not hard coded, then maybe even then not too easy. If your choices are linked to a hidden product which has the offer attached to it, then you might get it through. Interesting one to find out an answer to though.


      The attributes were mostly imported from .csv so I guess you could say they are hard-coded. It wouldn't be practical for us to link them to hidden products as there are too many combinations.

      This one has got me stumped. Perhaps it's not possible... maybe something for Actinic to look into for future versions?


        Hi Matt,

        Apologies for you not getting a reply for this period of time. I will have to add this to the wish-list for you.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King

