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Help! Checkout not working

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    Help! Checkout not working


    I hope one of you helpful people can help me out. I have a problem with my checkout. When a customer tries to check out on the second screen I get an error message "Email address is required for delivery notification". It makes no sense to me as the customer is not prompted to enter an e-mail address at this stage. I have looked for something obvious in business settings and design text but am stumped. I think it may have been like this for a while as I have not received orders for some time. I must have introduced the error at one of my changes as the site did initially work OK.

    Could it be to do with a switch between Windows XP and Vista? We recently upgraded our laptop.....

    Whilst I am asking advice - I would also like to get rid of the 'select your country' options on the first page as I only want to trade in the UK for the time being. I would like to offer an alternative delivery address option but it is not essential. Can you help?

    My website is

    Thanks in advance,

    Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
    Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products

    Your entire Invoice Address area (about 11 lines of input fields) is missing from layout Order 01 Bulk Area!

    These should be shown above the Terms and Conditions line. It's usually the line

    <actinic:variable name="CheckoutArea" value="Invoice Address Fields" />
    If you go to Design / Library / Layouts / Web Page Inner Layout and right-click Order 01 Bulk Area, you can Compare With Factory Version to see what you've done. Choosing Revert To Factory Settings will restore the original code.

    If this looks OK then look in Design / Library / Layouts / Checkout Area / Invoice Address Fields as this is the final layout that generates these fields.

    As for your second problem - it would be much better to get your site working properly before making a new alteration.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      Thanks for the suggestion - however it has not worked.

      I have also reinstalled Actinic Catalog (with the v8.5.2 HMVA Upgrade) and it is still the same. (But I guess I may have imported the problem back with the snapshot?)

      Can you suggest something else? I can cut and paste info if you need to see it.

      (Point taken regarding the other issue).


      Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
      Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products


        But I guess I may have imported the problem back with the snapshot?
        You will have done - normans suggestion is the best way forward and will work I suggest you try again as it is "almost" foolproof


          Perhaps I am a fool.....

          I have reverted to the factory settings exactly as instructed in Order 01 Bulk Area and invoice address fields but there is no change. Could you specify where I should see the <actinic:variable name="CheckoutArea" value="Invoice Address Fields" /> code? I am not sure where exactly to look.

          Any other suggestions?

          Would back tracking to an old snapshot and loading it be an answer? I would prefer not to as I would lose any changes in the last few weeks (and there have been quite a few)....

          Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
          Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products


            Reverting will put the layout back to what it originally was - if its not working then what were you doing to checkout to break it (its the easiest part of Actinic to break and should not be played with IMO)


              I am not aware of anything I did to break it. I have not messed with any code and apart from business and site options, adding products and customer orders offline I don't think I have touched anything else....

              Is there anything in your opinion I could have done?
              Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
              Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products


                Try removing the ask for shipping location early promt and the accept T&C and see what that does


                  Paste in layouts Order 01 Bulk Area and Invoice Address Fields so we can see what's there. Stick [ C O D E ] and [ / C O D E ] tags (without the spaces) around them as this makes them more readable.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    In which menu is the ask for shipping location early promt?
                    Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
                    Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products


                      In which menu is the ask for shipping location early promt
                      You should know as you changed it from the default settings


                        Originally posted by RuralWeb
                        You should know as you changed it from the default settings
                        really helpful, Malc

                        Settings > Business Settings > Ordering > Misc


                          Hi Norman,

                          I have had a look through menus again today and for some reason the boxes were unchecked in Design / Text / Web site (cont) / Invoice address I have checked them and it now seems OK. I don't recall unchecking them but must have done. Perhaps a simpler problem than expected.

                          Thanks for the advice though - you have been helpful.

                          Could you answer my other query regarding limiting customers to those in the UK only?

                          Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
                          Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products


                            Sharon, UK only shipping has been discussed quite a bit and I'm fairly sure the method will be on the forum somewhere (can't think of the exact procedures, without actually doing them, off the top of my head)

                            If you use the Google Search at the top, instead of the forum one then you can use the search term "UK only" (the forum search doesn't allow 2 letter search terms ) which will hopefully find previous threads and methods.


                              Thanks Tracey - I will try that.

                              I notice you are not accepting reciprocal links on you site at the moment. However if you change the policy I would be interested in an arrangement as we have complimentary sites.

                              Green Jelly - For an eco friendly childhood
                              Cloth nappies, accessories & complimentary products

