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    Hi. I would like to translate my website into English, As we have more and more client from England. I can use the google translator ; translation is not too bad, but not not sufficiently good. So I need to modified it. I would like to find a way to translate each page, then get the source code, copy and paste it. So I can modify it as I wish. The problem is that I cannot copy the source code from google translator.
    Is there a solution ?
    Saint Malo. France

    Hi Didier,

    Did you get your site translated to French? I am not sure what to suggest really but someone on the forum should be able to help you.

    Suggestions are welcome,

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Why not translate into English in the best way you can with your knowledge and then ask an English person to correct your spelling and grammar?


        Perhaps you can re-use the outer layout on a new site then export all the product info from the French site, translate it and then import it back into the new (English) site.

        You could then have the English version on or similar with a link from one to the other. You would of course need to be able to accept Pounds instead of Euros - so you may need a UK based PSP and banking also.


          Bruce : my site is in French, no need translation, it is the basic language. Duncan : not sure I need a new PSP and accept pounds : all clients we have in UK accept to pay in Euros. Yes Lee, probably the best way. But I do not get a lot of time to do this, it was why an automatic translation as the one we can get from google seemed to be quicker.
          Thanks Again.

          Saint Malo. France


            The automatic ones are very bad Didier, if you want a site written in good English, trust me, the translators are not the way forward. I've done one in Japanese and nearly fell apart.


              Hi Didier
              As above, you must get someone skilled in English to correct the translation. Although some of us learned a simple form of French in our school years, this is not true of the current generation.
              As far as currency is concerned, see the AUG and have your prices in UK£ as well


                Not a lot of time to spend to translate the site now, very busy with Christmas! So I've tried an automatic system, and effectively translation is not very good (you can see the result on the site!) The translation used Systran software. Google translation is much better, but I cannot copy the source file (source in French / English mixed).
                But this system can be interesting: when you open a page, the software translates the pages and save it on a specific folder. So it will be possible, when I will get some time, to check the translation and modify them, or better, asks an English translator to do the job!
                Saint Malo. France


                  Moi, j'ai habité quelques années en Bretagne en France (près de Vannes) et donc, si il y a quelques phrases que vous voudrais traduire en anglais, je pourrais vous aider. De mon part comme linguiste: C'est très important que vous utilisez quelqu'un de la langue maternelle - même les traducteurs eux-mêmes ne peuvent pas traduire suffisement bien les langues si ils n'ont pas été nés dans le pays. Et les traducteurs par ordinateur même pire! Evitez!!!

                  Translation: I lived in Brittany myself for some years and can help you with a few phrases if you like. As a linguist, it is very important that you use a translator with the mother tongue in that language. Even translators should be of the mother tongue. Computer translators are even worse. Avoid!

                  Et en plus, la version anglaise de votre site n'est pas de tout très bon anglais.
                  Si vous voudrais le traduire et impressionner le marché anglais, c'est imperative que l'anglais est bon.

                  Translation: The English version of your site is not correct. To attract an English market, the English should be correct.

                  If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                  Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                    Thank you Samantha. I will keep as it is now, as I have a lot of work to do. But when We will translate definitively the site, I will contact you. Thanks.
                    Saint Malo. France

