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One Item Per Page

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    One Item Per Page

    I would like to read up on One Item Per Page but can't find any mention apart from a topic to do with Froogle.

    Is One Item Per Page the correct terminology, or is it called something else?

    I do have a current site which I want to convert. Are there layout designs or themes specifically for one item per page, or can any be used?


    there has been much discussion about it, outside of GoogleBase.

    Try using Single Product Page(s) (or even SPPs) as search terms and see if this brings up more results.


      You're very close. It's single product per page and you will find ample discussions on this.

      In short, google likes one product per page websites and may give you better ranking (provided that you do all the other SEO stuff). Google base will only accept one product per page feeds. Now, seeing as google may account for as much as 80% of your page visits, one product per page would be the way to go IMO.

      The theme does not matter. Your page layout will be as follows:

      "Opportunities multiply as they are seized." - Sun Tzu


        Thank you both very much for your quick replies, I'll start reading up later today



          Personally I think a PHP mod or something is required to assist with this issue, if you create a section per product this I believe in a lot of cases makes the shop very un-user friendly but it is a very necessary feature to have products on individual pages so as to help ranking in Google etc and also submission to Google base (Froogle).

          Not sure what the solution is but I'm sure someone could make a PHP/MySql solution that would allow you to generate single product pages for submission to Google etc yet the store remains as normal with sections containing more than one product where required.


            When you reading up, remember create a set of duplicates, customer friendly i find and SPP's for SEO and base

            take a look here everything on this page is a duplicate, for customer ease of use, but look at the bottom and you will find a set of links these are section links to SPP's

            Tracey has a completely different way of doing hers so you will find plenty of reading material here and everyone has a different way of doing it but the end goal is the same

            Good Luck



              How have you done those links at the bottom?

              It's a good solution but would mean countless hours of work for me with 2000+ and growing daily products to do seperate pages for when a PHP/MySql script could do it with little or no effort and time.


                generate single product pages for submission to Google etc yet the store remains as normal with sections containing more than one product where required.
                I think you are missing the point slightly as you cannot trick google etc into thinking you have SSP when you have not. Codepath produce a tool which automates the process of producing SPP.


                  Originally posted by Ginnys Attic
                  How have you done those links at the bottom?
                  The links at the bottom are section links, but not like the regular section links with long description and images

                  Your need to create a new layout that has the variables section page name, section url and section name in it, also change the top section layout to none, under the layout tab on the parent section.

                  It sounds harder than it is, but you can then style these links to look right for you



                    Originally posted by RuralWeb
                    I think you are missing the point slightly as you cannot trick google etc into thinking you have SSP when you have not. Codepath produce a tool which automates the process of producing SPP.
                    It would not be a trick, it would be actual PHP pages with one item per page generated by PHP scripts using a MySql backend and in a different directory to the main catalog. This would actually be quite easy for somone to create i would think (unfortunately my php/MySql experience is not up to the task).

                    Once you have these pages in a seperate directory you would have the exact thing that google base (Froogle) requires which is a single product per page and can submit them accordingly, the PHP scripts could also easily create the product feeds and also site maps for these additional URL's to submit to Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask etc.

                    Originally posted by Darren B
                    The links at the bottom are section links, but not like the regular section links with long description and images

                    Your need to create a new layout that has the variables section page name, section url and section name in it, also change the top section layout to none, under the layout tab on the parent section.

                    It sounds harder than it is, but you can then style these links to look right for you

                    Thanks for that, i will have a look in to this although with so many products it would mean a lot of additional work and over time as more and more products are added also a nightmare to track and remember everything which a php/MySql solution wouldn't


                      Horses for courses

                      what ever suites you needs, it works for me and many others



                        it would mean a lot of additional work
                        You get back what you put in IMO

