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Slight Problem on products page

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    I can only now see that the problem lies with actinic itself.
    If it were then we would all have it


      Sorry to resurrect this thread but the issue is still occuring on that one page.

      I would quite easily accept that it was just a coding issue if the error was occuring on more than just the online catalogue index page, but its not, so therefore when Actinic is generating the pages why should 'the code' work perfectly for every page other than that one if the error lies in it.

      Thankyou for such constructive feedback though. Maybe it could be that 'we all' have not attempted to customise atinic in this way and therefore have not come across the problem, or is that being too openminded?

      Sorry for sounding this way but you really have to look past it just being that. Could I also ask why Actinic providing an error is not an Actinic problem as some posts I have seen on this forum are very loose, it is only because they are simply solved that help is given, is it the case that when the problem is not apparent help is not?


        Originally posted by Tao
        it is only because they are simply solved that help is given, is it the case that when the problem is not apparent help is not?

        as has been said a million times before, the forum consists of people who freely volunteer their time to help others.
        Easy questions get answered because they are easy to answer!
        It's not the "job" of anyone here to investigate anyone else's deeper problems.

        If you need more in depth help than the forum is giving you then you need to either contact a designer direct and pay for help or go to Actinic for help.



          if you have this problem it would seem to be more along what you have done wrong, people that have contributed to this thread have many thousands of hours with actinic and i recon they have probably done somthign very similar to what you are trying to achive.

          Before you make comments on peoples support i would suggest you think before you write.


            Originally posted by Tao
            Could I also ask why Actinic providing an error is not an Actinic problem as some posts I have seen on this forum are very loose, it is only because they are simply solved that help is given, is it the case that when the problem is not apparent help is not?
            Some answers point you in the right direction to solve your problem, as opposed to answering it for you. This is for your own long term benefit. Yes, it may make you work a bit longer, but your understanding of the way it all works will improve.

            If you are lucky, you'll find it has already been answered elsewhere within the forum anyway.
            Football Heaven

            For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


              Thank you Tracey, if thats what has to be done then thats the course we will take.

              I fully understand that people are giving their free time hence why my comments are phrased so carefully as I know people easily take offence in some cases.

              I thanked peblaco for the help and I appreciated it.

              Oh and actually I did think before commenting again to this problem to ask for your support I was simply trying to get the point across that why make condescending comments to someone you are supposed to be helping, if it does not help don't just state the obvious in a narrow minded way.

              Its obvious this is a problem beyond some of the great support you guys give, so thank you again and Tracey I will take your advice.

              Good Day.

              EDIT: I see what you mean george I will probably end up moving away from Actininc in the end as it seems to be a combination of the css and dreamweaver integration making what you can acheive severly limited, I will contact Actinic and hopefully something will be solved.


                why make condescending comments to someone you are supposed to be helping, if it does not help don't just state the obvious in a narrow minded way
                Its a forum - its an error you caused - we dont have to help - you are a designer - get some training - you are getting paid - we are not


                  Well that's just marvellous Mal, are you saying that if i get stuck on a design or i trash something, i cannot demand help on the forum anymore. Pah what's this world coming to....appalling state of affairs.

                  Happy New ar$e


                    appalling state of affairs
                    It certainly is - Im going to change my design methods based on the way other designers are joining the forum at the moment - Ill get a client, charge a fortune and then demand the forum design and build me a wiz bang site correcting all my errors along the way - EASY money for 2008


                      Originally posted by RuralWeb
                      It certainly is - Im going to change my design methods based on the way other designers are joining the forum at the moment - Ill get a client, charge a fortune and then demand the forum design and build me a wiz bang site correcting all my errors along the way - EASY money for 2008
                      Oh bugger i thought that was the norm and recommended process anyway.

                      Gizza job mate, I can do that.

                      Yours sincerely

                      Yosser Hughes


                        Oh bugger i thought that was the norm and recommended process anyway.
                        It works the other way as well - get the forum to design you a website and when thats done start your own design company - its an easy life on the Actinic community, we should be part of the Governments job creation scheme

                        And remember my top tip for 2008 RTM


                          Originally posted by RuralWeb
                          It works the other way as well - get the forum to design you a website and when thats done start your own design company - its an easy life on the Actinic community, we should be part of the Governments job creation scheme
                          Now that has me smiling - post of the day.
                          Web design is the only industry that openly tries to put itself out of business, has always made me laff.


                            Web design is the only industry that openly tries to put itself out of business
                            Its not "web design" as such its us mugs on here who do it to ourselves - as you have always said if we did not help people so much then we would make more money.

                            Now before I get slagged off AGAIN - its only the free loaders I object to. Mr/Mrs DIY I will help until the cows come home.

