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Shopping cart ?

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    Shopping cart ?

    Where is the best place to put the shopping cart ? my web site guy says top Right hand side but i want it on the RH side sort of in the middle, any thoughts ?

    Also is there any way to show not just the amount in the cart but a short description while you are shopping ?

    any help would be good


    Top RHS is most common.
    Search fopr Mini Cart for a way to add descriptions of the cart contents on your shopping pages.


      Originally posted by PJ ENG
      Where is the best place to put the shopping cart ? my web site guy says top Right hand side but i want it on the RH side sort of in the middle, any thoughts ?
      No thoughts, but top right is good, natural & conventional IMHO.

      Originally posted by PJ ENG
      Also is there any way to show not just the amount in the cart but a short description while you are shopping ?
      The discussion on the second part (v7 thread) is here and the download is HERE


      (Duncan you beat me by 3 mins while I was distracted!)
      Paul - the UK's largest online supplier of Fresh Flower Merchandising Stands

      Using V10.2 with Norman's brilliantly simple TABBER.


        Hi all and an happy Xmass and thank you for your time, I will pass on the link to my guy.

        here is a link to the page This is a site upgrade as our main site has been running on V7 for 12 months now.

        I juts dont like the cart being at the top right, or should i say it does not stand out


          I juts dont like the cart being at the top right, or should i say it does not stand out
          I agree with you - IMO its in totally the wrong place. You can see what you want working at


            Originally posted by RuralWeb
            I agree with you - IMO its in totally the wrong place. You can see what you want working at
            Mal, did you know that homepage is showing no content (aside from menus) in Firefox?

            can someone else using FF confirm that please, in case it's just me?


              Too much Christmas spirit perhaps Tracey - works fine in FF for me.
              Happy Xmas.


                Mal, did you know that homepage is showing no content
                Being refreshed etc ready for the new year so that will be the reason


                  oh ok...(and LOL Duncan...maybe you're right!)
                  It was loading fine in IE which is the only reason I mentioned it

