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Section list images

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    Section list images

    I want to replace the text links in the section list on the left hand side of every page with images. Not a rollover, just a simple static image.

    I've looked through the various threads on this subject and checked the advanced guide and have come to the conclusion that all I need to do is: define an image for each section; change 'section link layout' to 'image only - no text shown'.

    I've done this and the image appears in the acatalog/index.html page but it doesn't appear in the section lists on all the lower level pages.

    Any help with this would be much appreciated.

    Many thanks,


    Sounds like an inheritance issue - are the child sections set to "use parent" to adopt the higher layout settings?

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Not the section link layout, that is set to 'image only - no text shown'.

      I have just had a look at the layout code. I went to the design tab and double clicked on the section list. what came up was a window with the heading 'Layout code - standard top level section list'. It only has one line in it: <actinic:variable name="TopLevelSectionLink" />. Can I change that to show an image instead?

      Last edited by bookworm; 04-Jan-2008, 09:17 AM. Reason: Further info


        Originally posted by bookworm
        ...I've done this and the image appears in the acatalog/index.html page but it doesn't appear in the section lists on all the lower level pages....
        What does appear? Text links or small crosses to indicate an image is missing...


          Text links.

          However, I've now solved the problem. I edited the Layout code and inserted an img tag where the link appears. In the src bit I inserted the variable SectionImageFileName. I then removed the SectionName variable from inside the link tag.

          Onwards and upwards......
          Last edited by bookworm; 04-Jan-2008, 10:11 AM. Reason: problem solved

