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Coding error problem

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    Coding error problem

    Good morning,
    I have just received this messgae on uploading my site - can anyone help?

    The selector 'innerlayout' is recursively used.

    Thank you


    Have you tried searching the forum for the error message? I've heard it mentioned before.



      Thanks, but the solution posted did not work. resetting contact us innerlayout to factory settings did nothing.



        I think the problem is linked to innerlayout included in the fragment list layout, from what i just found. Have you looked into that also?


          coding error


          Thank you very much. I know a lot of you guys/girls are really clever with Actinic, but there are a few of us who ain't. We do need your help but in language we can understand. We truly do want to fix problems ourselves if possible.
          May I ask what coding errors do? What is fragment list layout and where is it found?
          All assistance is genuinely greatly appreciated by all of us non experts!

          Many Many Thanks



            Hi Hugh

            Coding errors are just actinic telling you something isn't where it should be or it's in a place which isn't great. Bit like a H&S officer telling you to take a vase full of flowers of the TV or one of your parents saying don't play football on the M6. The problem with them is that sometimes you get phantom errors, ones where actinic thinks there is a problem, but when you go back to it (after having come off the page), it has vanished like a fart in the wind. So if you get a warning, always select the content tab and then go back to the design tab and see if it still exists. If it does, then double click on it and it might take you to the problem area or indeed help you trace it a bit better.

            As for your problem, the very first search term i would use is "recursively used". If that brought up too many results, i would then type in the full message. You have to think about what people will type, not what the message is, in other words, streamline what you search for, pick out the key phrase and start from there.

            If you put "recursively used" into the Google search, it only brings up 4 results, all of which have the said sentence in question. One of them says that the problem is not your own doing and it appears to be a problem where somehow innerlayout (the global layout that brings in the nuts and bolts in your site) has somehow got mixed up in a fragment layout. The very first problem listed is the one.

            To find this area in your site, go to DESIGN | LIBRARY | LAYOUTS and look for fragment lists and revert that to factory settings. At least that is what the previous problem mentioned in the forum was solved by doing. I've never had this problem, so only speak from what i read.

            That typifies knowledge though i guess, if i get that problem in the future, it will ring a bell and i know the solution is in the forum. To find it is just a bit of logic when deciding on search terms and remembering that a human posted the problem, not a computer.

            Good luck, let us know if it sorts it as your thread will now become the 5th result on a search.


              If anyone looked at 'recursively' and thought WTH does that mean, you are not alone. It's basically telling you that it is used inside itself, bit like a circular reference in excel i guess.

              As you can only ever have one innerlayout on a store, you should never have one inside another, that would be recursive and fire an error.


                A- Lee -an Versus The Coding Monster. 18 Cert.

                Hi Lee,

                Thank you very much for that, very informative and in language I can understand.
                I will attack this monster tonight, I now feel sure his days are now numbered.
                Death to all coding errors - I say.

                Many thanks again



                  They also occur in Dr Who - its an old timelord problem


                    Coding error becomes script error


                    I managed to sort the coding error using Lee's advise. Now I have 2 script errors in search and search results - 'script error at line 136 object doesn't support this property or method'. Should I revert these to factory settings or..............


