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Latest version on XP Pro and Vista

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    Latest version on XP Pro and Vista

    Random question, just say a company had a couple of pc's all linked up via multiuser, and all on XP Pro SP2 and happily (aye, right!) running a couple of live sites.

    Any problem then using the same sites snapshots (after hours) on a Vista laptop, then importing the latest snapshots back onto the XP system in the mornings?

    Logic says aye, no problems laddie, but thought I'd ask anyways as I don't know anything about Vista.
    Football Heaven

    For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.

    Hi George,

    I have tried this out over here and have had no issues other than having to reset the paths to custom files within the layout or hard coded links. If you have the sites folder in the same place on the pc and the laptop and dont hard code a link to a custom css file etc, you should be fine.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

