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No price or choice name in cart.

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    No price or choice name in cart.

    Can anyone assist me here? Most of what I sell comes in various sizes and all prices are size dependant. For example, I sell tubes; they come in sizes from 80mm dia to 630mm dia, and each size has a different price. I have set this up with components and have entered all the prices in the permutations tab. They show up in the drop down lists just as I wanted. However, when you add them to the cart. Neither the price or the choice shows, just the main product name '3m long tube' for example. It says nothing about size and appears to price it for free.

    I am using component layout with selectable permutations, which i understand is right.

    Try it out to see if I'm not making myself clear. Link below. (I know the site is naff but I'm a total newbie - just want the 'engine' running before I concern myself with the 'bodywork')

    Click on 'Spiral tube and Fittings' in the top left, then 'Spiral Tube' and select a size to add to cart, and look at the cart.

    Thanks for any help.

    There are quite a few threads on this already.
    Here's one I started a while ago, you can see that after quite a few posts, the problem was solved.

    If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

    Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


      Hi. Yes, thanks. I did find that one and after a skim read assumed the problem wasn't the same. I shall have another read through it.


        Hmmm... Actinic is generating invalid HTML for these choices. I see
        <select name="v_7_1" class="form_input_general">
        <option value=""> 80mm £7.19</option>
        <option value=""> 100mm £9.04</option>
        And those value="" should not be empty strings (I'd expect to see 1,2,3,etc). Have you made any layout changes that might be breaking this?
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          It's a bit complicated as there were many things tried.
          The upshot was that you had to change to the standard component layout to show all choices/associated products. However, this meant that the associated product prices were not shown in the dropdown box and had to be input manually into each choice description.
          Not ideal and a bit of a waste of using associated product prices. However, I have yet to try the other suggestion given at the end of the thread.
          Bit busy on a new site, but the same problem will arise there too, so will soon be trying it out.

          If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

          Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


            Samantha. I understand what you have done and it's certainly a way round it. Although it'll be a drag having to type all that in. I'd have masses of it to do! There doesn't seem to be a simple way of doing this. I see it as a general 'doesn't work', rather than an overly euphemistic 'bug'.

            Norman. Thanks for your input. I have reverted the components layout to factory, but it hasn't changed anything.

            What is meant by 'associated product'? There's a main product - in my case a tube, then there are permutations i.e. size. I can see that they may apply to a monitor - that is 'associated' with a computer, but I don't see how associated product applies to your filters for example Samantha.


              Yes I would agree that apparently makes the associated products a bit of a waste of time.

              I'll explain how associated products can be set up.

              I have a filter in 3 sizes. Instead of having 3 separate products, I want a dropdown box with the sizes.

              I create 3 products that are hidden on the website, actually the 3 different sized filters.

              In the main product, I create components, attributes, choices (the 3 sizes). These 3 choice sizes are then linked in Permutations to the 3 hidden products as associated products, picking up their name and price.

              In theory, the dropdown box shows the 3 associated hidden products - which it does until it gets to the cart - hence this problem.

              Well documented in the Help files.

              If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

              Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                Ok, I see what you are saying but it seems overly complicated to me. Surely the permutations (different sizes and prices) would be 'associated' with the main product in which they are found. Having entered prices in the permutations table they would 'overide' the main product price no matter what's written in it. That would be intuitive.

                Main product: filter -- Price £[overidden, irrelevant and therefore not shown]

                Choose size: 6x6 £10

                Shopping cart: filter - 6x6 £10

                That was what I was fully expecting. On the surface it seems very simple, but alas.


                  Yes you can override prices as you suggest although I haven't tried it, as this other way enables you to have different product reference codes for each size or choice which may be important for stock control.

                  According to the Help files .....

                  If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                  Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                    Surely the permutations (different sizes and prices) would be 'associated' with the main product in which they are found
                    That's one way of doing it and it may be fine for you. But it doesn't deal with stock-control at the permutation level.

                    The Associated Product column is intended for people who want to go further and have an individual product associated with each permutation. This is often for stock-control reasons.

                    Your real problem is that Actinic isn't generating valid HTML for your permutation choices.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Hi Norman

                      (we must have been writing at the same time!)

                      That problem seems to be an issue for everyone - so it is a problem with the Actinic setup for permutations?

                      If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                      Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                        Oh I seeee! Sorry. Yeah I don't bother with stock control; there's fun in chaos. So, in summary, my problem isn't quite the same as Samantha's.

                        Your real problem is that Actinic isn't generating valid HTML for your permutation choices.
                        What should be my next course of action?

                        <select name="v_7_1" class="form_input_general">
                        <option value=""> 80mm £7.19</option>
                        <option value=""> 100mm £9.04</option>
                        Is there something I should perhaps revert to factory?


                          I would first create a new Product from scratch and give it a Component, Attribute, some Choices and set-up the Permutations. Then preview it and see if the invalid code is generated.
                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            Do you know if there is a way around this problem if you are using permutations for stock control?

                            IE avoiding having to input the text into every single choice description?

                            (Or should I just start another thread in the morning...!!)

                            If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                            Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                              I set up 'widgets' with components, attributes and 2 choices.

                              This is the code with standard components layout:

                              <select name="v_189_1" class="form_input_general">
                              <option value="1">100</option><option value="2">200</option></select>
                              And this is the code with component layout with selectable permutations:

                              <select name="v_189_1" class="form_input_general">
                              <option value="">
                              <option value="">

                              It seems there is no 'option value' with the component layout with selectable permutations.

                              Is this the problem??

