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Multiple Products along one row (v8)

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    Multiple Products along one row (v8)


    Am changing a site that has its roots from v3, and the site has always been the sort where you see a page of thumbnails and clicking any one would take you to the product page.

    This was achieved using "Method 2" in the Advanced Guide (v8) where there is a sub-section for each product. This is obviously quite time consuming so whilst we create our version 8 site I thought it would be a good idea to convert over to "Method 1" and use extended info with a buy-button.

    I've managed to create the extended info pages no problem, but I'm really struggling with the product pages so that the "thumbnail" images are laid out in rows of three. I seem to have a single thumbnail on each row and I cannot fathom out where to go to make this any different. I'm basically after doing the same as you might see on

    Any pointers greatly received.

    Look for product column count, its definable just like the number of sections is.

    PS - you are looking at sections there, not products though.


      differing column counts?

      jumpin' in here to just ask if assigning differing column counts to subsections is possible to achieve ? - and if so is it user configurable within actinic (I understand the parent value can be defined) - or does the solution lie in a coded 'add in'. Have found some useful threads but would like the opinion of someone who maybe implemented a solution with little/minimal fuss. cheers. Sean


        I'm convinced I've seen column count somewhere, but for the life of me I couldn't find it again. I'm not back in that particular location until tomorrow now so I'll have to sit and wait before I can pick up the trail again!

        Thanks for coming back to me though.


          Originally posted by sean_jackson
          jumpin' in here to just ask if assigning differing column counts to subsections is possible to achieve ? - and if so is it user configurable within actinic (I understand the parent value can be defined) - or does the solution lie in a coded 'add in'. Have found some useful threads but would like the opinion of someone who maybe implemented a solution with little/minimal fuss. cheers. Sean
          Yes Sean, it is set at the level above where you want things to show in that way. Section column count is available at all levels or remains constant using the 'use parent' option. It has 2 settings, one for the top line, one for all others.


            Originally posted by Mark Crisell
            I'm convinced I've seen column count somewhere, but for the life of me I couldn't find it again. I'm not back in that particular location until tomorrow now so I'll have to sit and wait before I can pick up the trail again!

            Thanks for coming back to me though.
            Layout tab of site options, second sublist, there's 2 settings as explained above.


              Thanks again, mucho appreciated - will be able to check it out tomorrow am!


                Strange... in the section for these products, in the layout tab, there are two "Price Layout" and one "Product Layout" variables for "Product". But when I create a new section (same level) I get some additional variables, one of which being "Column count for products". Set that to three and Bob became my Dads brother.

                Quite possibly a section copied and pasted from a v6 site... probably not the way to go

