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Calculate the options

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    Calculate the options

    Hi. I've just started playing about with a copy of actinic 8 and I was looking to design a website which uses options and permutations.

    Is it possible for actinic to add them all together and show an updated price automatically or even have a 'click to re-calculate' button on there?

    Hi Dave,

    This is not possible with Actinic at the moment,meaning Actinic cannot recalculate the total online and display that before the customer adds to cart, though v8 allows you to display the permutation price as a + value to the product price, this is acheived by setting the component to use a layout of 'Component Layout with Selectable Permutations'.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Sorry Bruce, but i'v managed to get this to work.

      Its rather long winded and it'll take some steep learning curve, but i'll describe the basic steps and stuff. You'll need html, javascript and Actinic skills.

      You need to have a simple type of catalog. that is, perhaps a single product per page, with a single drop down. Your drop down needs to have an 'onclick' event that triggers the price change event.

      The drop down choices inside need to ahve a number after their values. Like in norms image changer example, I used pipe '|'. After the description, I put a number. thus: 'Choice one|5'. In this example, the number 5 is extracted with a simple 'split' script, when i choose the item. This reflects the effect of adding it to cart as a permutation.

      We then add this number to the initial cost of the item and write the resulting number to a span. The resulting code gives the 'illusion' of dynamic product pricing.

      I cannot post this code here since it has been long deleted. I'm pretty sure that with a little work, it'd be possible to build this kind of functionality into Actinic, perhaps V9?


        you are right however. its not possible in default actinic.


          Get ride of the bounce page and changeing the whole checkout is what is really needed

          It has been mentioned for years that it is way to long, a simple items added to basket box would be better than boucing to the basket all the time, just MO



            on topic:

            is there a way to ping the perl responsible for adding to cart, and get back a simple response? this is basically, so i can add to cart with ajax. This kind of lightweight response would make some very cool actinic features possible.

            how about an add to cart that returns something very lightweight?

            does anyone know sufficient perl to pull that off?


              Rigth Gabe you have my attention, i have seen some of the stuff you produce with ajax,

              Can i ask though in simple laymans terms, are you thinking about replicating the add to basket with a bit of ajax code, fooling actinic if you like, so you dont get the page bounce?



                actually, if you contact Norman at, he has an add-on that dynamically calculates prices, on the product page, based on a single component/multiple attributes.
                It's a nifty add on, drop him a line and ask about it.


                  Ah Ha

                  Gabriel is Normans Protégé

