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Coupon code - discount lost in Firefox

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    Coupon code - discount lost in Firefox

    Has anyone else noticed that if you set up a discount/coupon code.
    When ordering in Firefox you place the code in the box and it will show the discount ok.
    However, when you proceed to checkout, the discount is lost on the next page.
    I'm using Business version 8.5.2

    I just can't get it to work correctly.
    I have even tried entereing the code again on the "View or adjust contents of Shopping Basket" page and then immediately clicking checkout. But to no avail.
    Has anyone any fix for this please?

    Mike i have noticed that firefox has been giving me grief with cookies and showing me old pages that i have updated lately, also the newest version crashes or locks up on me more than once aday.

    I always was an avid fan of FF but now im beginning to wonder if its still as good as it was?



      Originally posted by Darren B
      Mike i have noticed that firefox has been giving me grief with cookies and showing me old pages that i have updated lately, also the newest version crashes or locks up on me more than once aday.

      I always was an avid fan of FF but now im beginning to wonder if its still as good as it was?

      jees, Darren...did you break Firefox too!!?

      sorry..will respond to OP in a sec!
      someone said something before about 852 and discount codes.
      I can't remember the specifics Mike but a forum search might pick them up


        Originally posted by budgetbumps
        jees, Darren...did you break Firefox too!!?
        My mission in life is to crash as much software as possible, its great fun, except when you dont want it to crash

        oh and as i said this morning, get back in the kitchen


