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Navigation bar not vertically central

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    Navigation bar not vertically central

    I am using the smart theme and have got to my next stage in changing the aesthetics of my site and although not uploaded at present, I have got rid of the text link nav bar and replaced it with the image nav bar. However, it wasn't until I was making my own buttons that I noticed that the nav bar was not vertically centralised within it's cell (it was with the text nav bar). The search box is centralised so I can't think what is causing it. I have tried adding valign code to the particular cell but it won't budge.
    Thing is, I want the buttons that when they are hovered over, they fill up the whole cell just like I have on my norfolkherbs site (without javascript menus of course). However because of the problem the button does not meet the bottom of the cell.

    I am guessing there may be css governing the table but why just on the nav bar cell and not on the search field cell.

    I have an image of the problem (using actinics standard buttons) at

    Any help will be great. (My CSS knowledge is rubbish)

    Online Shop at:

    Originally posted by OllyBug
    I am guessing there may be css governing the table but why just on the nav bar cell and not on the search field cell.

    I have an image of the problem (using actinics standard buttons) at

    Any help will be great. (My CSS knowledge is rubbish)

    I think your guess is right! It will be down to the padding and margins surrounding your navigation. It's very difficult to advise without seeing your code. As has been suggested many times on the forum, use the Firefox attachments ( Firebug and view CSS File Information) to give you a clue as to what is happening inside your code.

    Sorry not to be more helpful at this stage.


    Location: North Yorkshire UK


      Hi David

      Thanks for your reply, Thanks for clarifying it is probably a part in the stylesheet causing the problem. I will see if I can find the part causing it with firebug shortly. I did have a look yesterday with firebug but was looking for the culprit elsewhere. If I can't I will post some code for you or anyone else to look at.

      Online Shop at:


        it would be easier for others to help if they/we could see it online.
        You could always upload it in test mode (so it doesn't affect your live site)


          Yes you are right Tacey. I have actually uploaded it fully as it is only an aesthetic problem and won't show up badly until I use my own nav images. The actinic ones will do until the problem is found.
          I did look with firebug but it is pointing me to a style for the whole table called secondbar. Can't seem to find that in the actinic stylesheet. I even opened the sheet in Dreamweaver but still no joy. My brain obviously doesn't work well on a Sunday!!!

          site is:

          Thanks for your help

          Online Shop at:


            since found the style for secondbar but I can't see any strange bits there. I can't see any padding evident to cause this weird spacing.

            I am obviously looking in the wrong place

            Oh well i will carry on investigating. Perhaps I am just being a perfectionist!
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