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Choices Out of Stock AUG P44 Problem

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    Choices Out of Stock AUG P44 Problem

    Hello. I have the latest Version 8 and am trying to set up the choices out of stock facility using the Advanced User's Guide pages 43 and 44. I want the second option of showing "Out of Stock" next to the choices in the drop down list that are out of stock. I have followed the instructions in the manual up to the point near the bottom of page 44, where it says click on Monitor permutation drop-down list. Obviously I do not click on Monitor, but click on a product that I have choices of, eg Sugar-free Meringues, in Vanilla, strawberry etc. I do not have a "permutation drop down list" (Version 7 snapshot brought into Version 8) but I have "drop down choice list" which I guess is the same. The drop down choice list comes up in the layout code window. However, the problem comes when I right click on the layout selector to select "Navigate to" as there is no option to Navigate to on the list that comes up. I can't find how to locate the line containing "PermutationPrice" in line 9 so that I can insert the code - I cannot access any code other than the line, "<actinic:variable name="Choice Layout" />

    When I try going to Design: Library: Layouts and select the Choice Layout I do not know how to access the code that has a line 9.

    Am I just really dozy?


    A confusing article as it assumes you have the Demo Site available.

    but I have "drop down choice list" which I guess is the same
    No it isn't. Undo any changes you've made to layout "Drop Down Choice List". Go to Design / Library / Layouts / Choice Lists, right-click Drop Down Choice List and choose Revert to Factory Settings.

    The paragraphs 8 and 9 can be done as:

    Go to Design / Library / Layouts / Permutation Lists and double-click Drop Down Permutation List.

    Likewise for paras 13, 14, 15:

    Go to Design / Library / Layouts / Permutation Row Layout, double-click Drop Down Permutation Entry.

    Hope this gets you a bit further.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Yes, but now I have lost drop down list box

      Thank you, Norman, for being so helpful on a Sunday lunchtime!

      I have carried out your instructions. Now I have lost the drop down list boxes. Now I just have "Choose" and on the line under it "Flavour". These were the component and attributes items in Version 7, which I imported as a snapshot to Version 8.



        Crashed and now cannot open Actinic

        Hello Norman. After carrying out your instructions, I was going to see how I could get the drop down lists back, but as soon as I clicked on an item in the design tree, the program crashed with an error message, "Actinic encountered a fatal error. Details of this error have been saved to C:\etc . Please send file to Actinic for investigation". I have tried to find this file in the location given, and elsewhere, but it does not appear to exist in any directory. Now whenever I try to open Actinic I get the same error message, click OK and Actinic closes. Stuck. I had made a snapshot at the start of today (9.00 am, now 2.30 pm). Do I have to uninstall and reinstall Actinic and bring in Snapshot and accept all work done today is lost?



          Try and open the database in MSAcess and see if you can do a database compact and repair there.


            After carrying out your instructions...
            It wisnae me! All I did was show another way to get to the Layouts referred to in the article. It's unlikely that following an Advanced Guide article will have killed Actinic. It's much more likely that you've misinterpreted or typo'd some step.

            The quickest way to get back to operation would be to return to that earlier Snapshot. You can do this without re-installing Actinic (which would still find a corrupt site).

            Go into your Site folder and rename ActinicCatalog.mdb to ActinicCatalog.bad. Then copy ActinicCatalog.mdb from C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Original into your Site folder.

            Now you can sucessfully start Actinic and it will be operating with the Demo site.

            Finally install the Snapshot you saved earlier today.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Another point. The Advanced Guide article shows 2 alternative things you can do.

              a) To make the out of stock option disappear from the drop down list of Choices. This is done by following steps 8-12.

              b) To add an 'Out of Stock' note to the end of the items name in the drop down list of Choices. This is done by following steps 13-18.

              There's no point in doing both as option (b) will never show anyway if (a) is used.

              I've just tested this patch (each alternative and both together) and Actinic runs fine afterwards.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

