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Best sellers - limit products

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    Best sellers - limit products

    I thought I knew how to limit the amount of products showing in the best seller list; there's a box in the marketing - best sellers box that appears to allow you to set the amount yourself. Next to the box it says 'Number of products in lists'. However, I can't change this number. It's seemingly fixed on 6. Is this right? Shouldn't I be able to select it for editing?

    Thanks for any input.

    Bradley, are you using Vista?
    If so, I believe this is a Vista bug and is fixed in 8.5.2
    Not sure there's a workaround or fix for it other than upgrading but I might be wrong.


      Thanks Tracey. Yes, I'm on Vista, and version 8.5.1. Would upgrading be something that could potentially upset the apple cart? I'm just tying up loose ends; I don't want trouble at this stage.


        ermm...well, mixed opinions so far and, I have to confess, I haven't upgraded my own yet so I can't comment really.
        If you need to do it (and it is usually recommended really) then just have a hunt through the forums and make a note of potential problems or niggles that have been picked up already.

        I'm gradually building up a checklist of things I need to ensure that I do/check when I get round to it (customised scripts etc)

        If you store is fairly standard with few customisations then I would imagine upgrading to 8.5.2 would cause little problems...HOWEVER, it aint my fault if it does

        Depends how much you want/need to change the best sellers list, I suppose.
        Did you check the forums to see if anyone had found a workaround??(in the database, for example)



          As a workaround you should be able to tab through the fields and change them (instead of clicking on them)

          Located in Edinburgh UK


            I had a good search yes. Didn't find anything. I'll leave it for now I think. The problem is that 6 products (with pictures) extends below what I consider the bottom of my home page.


            (Don't tell me it's naff - I know)


              As a workaround you should be able to tab through the fields and change them (instead of clicking on them)
              Brilliant. Should have thought of that. That's another loose end safely tied. Thank you.

