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Assigning Stock To Product Choices

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    Assigning Stock To Product Choices

    Hi All

    I'm kinda thinking that this is not possible to do which if thats the case it would be a bit outrageous.

    But, when I have a drop down list of products in different colours or flavours, how do I assign stock to each choice, obviously in an ideal world I'd have the same amount for each item but I don't!

    Stumped me this has so any help appreciated.


    Try a search, probably the hottest subject ever on the forum. 'Hidden stock' or 'stock monitoring on choices' or words to that effect should work. When you come up against a problem, never think you are the first to encounter it, there are over 200,000 posts in the forum, chances are that anything you ever ask has been heavily answered before.

    In fact your thread title is probably a good one to search on too if you get no luck.


      To control stock of an item you need to have a unique product code for each item.

      So create a set of unique items then associate those items with the choices.

      This has bene discussed lots of times on the forum and I'm sure the help files and/or user guides explain how to do it as well.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Thanks, had a look but am none the wiser, the terminology is over my head.


          Originally posted by Kultya
          Thanks, had a look but am none the wiser, the terminology is over my head.
          Without being rude Malcolm what terminaology is over your head, the help files, user guide and this forum all uses the terms shown in the actinic product,

          create a product for each option
          then create you master products and then assign option products to each choice



            Actinic Help / Help Topics / Contents / Product Options / Making Customer Selection Affect Price and Stock Level. Read this and ask specific questions about what you don't understand.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              Originally posted by Kultya
              Thanks, had a look but am none the wiser, the terminology is over my head.
              Get the starter guide out and have a good read, take a look round the example store also and get used to actinic terms, it can be a bit confusing for the first half hour or so, but you will get there if you want to succeed. If that fails and you can't grasp it, have a look on the actinic site for designer nearby and contact them for some help.

              If you are struggling to grasp things, contact someone to do it for you. If the threads you have found are of no use to you, then you might find actinic is outside of your ability. Don't give up, stick with it. Most people will come through with a bit of determination and some effort.


                Sorry guys, was just having one of those frustrating days! You know the type when everything seems to be going fine and you congratulate yourself on how well your doing and then bang.

                I still can't figure out how to sort this particular problem (have not tried hard enough) but rather than frustrate myself, I'll do all my other items that don't need it and come back to it with a different view. It would though just seem obvious to me that in the choice panel you'd have a stock tab just the same as you do in the main product.

                Having been a smoker for the last 25 years but a non smoker for the last 10 days I apologise if I get childish and snap sometimes

                My frustration for today is "How the f*** do I sell something for £5.00?", but for now I shall list everything at either £4.99 or £5.01 and come back to it by which time I'm sure Actinic will have developed a patch to allow me to directly input the actual retail price without having to get a calculator out for every item! We live in hope!


                  My frustration for today is "How the f*** do I sell something for £5.00?", but for now I shall list everything at either £4.99 or £5.01 and come back to it by which time I'm sure Actinic will have developed a patch to allow me to directly input the actual retail price without having to get a calculator out for every item! We live in hope!
                  The only way to do this currrently is to use a custom VAT value.

                  Hopefully it will be handled better in V9.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Yes, just read about that and it works, I'm just concerned about how it affects my overall VAT now.

                    I'm still gobsmacked that I can't actually input the inclusive price and have the software work the VAT out backwards but maybe you can and I've not found it yet!


                      Originally posted by Kultya
                      Yes, just read about that and it works, I'm just concerned about how it affects my overall VAT now.

                      I'm still gobsmacked that I can't actually input the inclusive price and have the software work the VAT out backwards but maybe you can and I've not found it yet!
                      No, you're right, you can't.
                      IMO, it's backwards that you have to do it backwards but we've been promised a VAT shake up in V9 so here's hoping!


                        It would though just seem obvious to me that in the choice panel you'd have a stock tab just the same as you do in the main product.
                        Which would be nice except it wouldn't work if you had more than one set of Choices affecting the stock level. That's why we have Permutations. They can be used to associate a different product with each combination. That product then can be used for a lot more than just stock level - price, weight, tax type, etc.

                        Permutations is one of the more complex areas and your idea of returning to it after adding simpler products is an excellent one. It won't look so daunting then.
                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

