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Accessing the Actinic Database

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    Accessing the Actinic Database


    I am a PHP developer and I have been contracted to do some work for a client who has a busy online shop using Actinic Catalog v8.

    One of the things I need to do is extract order details - customer name, delivery address, product(s) selected - automatically by way of a Perl or PHP script connecting to the Actinic database on a regular basis.

    I have little experience of Actinic but have done some research and believe that it runs a MS Access backend. Am I correct? If so, where is the database located as I can't seem to find it online? I installed the 30 day trial to get my head around it.

    So, my issue is not so much 'how' to extract the data, it's where to find it!

    Any help, advice or pointers would be much appreciated.


    Actinic is not an online Db application.

    its database is on the PC called ActinicCatalog.mdb within your site folder.

    during the upload process actinic creates the online pages from the DB.


      Thanks for the reply. That explains why I couldn't find that mdb file online!

      So, after an order is places does Actinic keep a record of the details online? Is there any other file that I can access to pull out the information I need?



        The orders are stored encrypted on the server until downloaded to the local computer so you can't access them online. The only way you could do it is to pull all the info out the database offline and then upload it from there, this of course would mean that it could not be done in real time.

        Located in Edinburgh UK


          ...however, part of my Actinet suite of plugins inclused a working SQL uploader module. You can sync your products and sections to an online sql database from one of your Actinet tabs.

          This plugin is not yet out of beta, but if you're experienced enough with php, we can chat about that.


            Hi Gabriel

            I've taken a look at your site, SQL Sync looks perfect.

            I've just sent you an email.


