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Weird Snapshot behaviour

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    Weird Snapshot behaviour

    Well, has anyone seen this.... a client has sent me a snapshot, i asked them to ftp it for me and call it something sensible - so after creating the snapshot the client renamed it and dropped the extension and left it on ftp for me.

    I downloaded it, added the .acd and imported it to 8.5.1 (same version as the snapshot was created it) On import i got this error message

    The imported site was created by an older version of Actinic ( than this version (
    Actinic can only import a site created by V6 and later versions.
    I then asked the client to ftp me the snapshot prior to them renaming it and it imported fine.

    FWIW the site was developed in v8

    Im seeing some very odd behaviour in snapshots at the moment including the error you gave. Other ones are mostly to do with duplicates and cgi problems.


      Hi Jo -

      That is weird. Somehow renaming the snapshot seemed to corrupt it. I'll mention this to the developers to see if there is a reason for it. Has this happened more than once, or just with this one customer?


        Without a file extension perhaps the ftp client thinks it is an ascii file instead of binary.


          its only happened the once


            I think there is a bug in the snapshot now - it does not seem to be remembering things



              If you think there's a problem, please tell the support team about it so we can fix it.


                If you think there's a problem
                You have my list of problems from last week with one snapshot. I can send another problem site if you want it?


                  Yep - you're right. I'll review those and pass them to the support team.

