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Inserting an MP3 player using HTML in to actinic catalogue

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    Inserting an MP3 player using HTML in to actinic catalogue

    Hi can anyone help,

    I want to insert a stand alone MP3 player in to the HTML code for every product listed that I have in my store to preview.

    I have copied and pasted codes for MP3 players in to the product design coding area but it doesn’t work, is there something else I Need to in the coding in order for the player to show.

    I put the code in but it just shows a big white space about the size of the player.

    I want to go with a stand alone player that comes with the site instead of the windows/real players as I will be working with clients that some use mac os, they don’t seem reliable enough.

    Here is the code I have put in for the mP3 Player from
    (look into the chameleonsoundbasic_demo.txt file for details)

    here is the html code of the above player (you can find this when you view the source code of this html page)

    <object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,29,0" width="223" height="95">
    <param name="movie" value="chameleonsoundbasic_demo.swf">
    <param name="quality" value="high">
    <embed src="chameleonsoundbasic_demo.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="223" height="95"></embed>

    Thanks for your time

    You need to add it as html code into the layout or embed the html if you are doing it in a product description. I think I'd add it to the product layout and have the filename fed from a product level variable.

    embed me


      Thanks for getting back.

      I tried putting the code at either end of the HTML in the product description section but it just makes a white space no player.

      Could you talk me through it in steps if poss as i am new to this.

      Or if you have any other suggestions.

      I need to get a player to appear and play a song for each product to audition then on to purchase digital download.



        You might want to consider this other flash player:

        Here's a couple of client sites that I added this to in the past:


          Hi thanks Duncan,
          I had a look thats exactly the kind of thing im looking for....

          I am in the starting stages of setting up a website and I am not being hosted and I am not using a server ? at the momment only the layout and design, and i am looking to go with actinic hosting soon.

          It says in the instalation for the MP3player that i need to upload the files to a server ect....
          is there any way around this and will actinic hosting do that for me ie upload my files, im a bit confused between the difference between hosting and servers if any, and what i need to get a mp3 player like you put forward to me on each product in my store.


            They are one and the same but this plugin will only work when you store is loaded online.


              Will that be the case with all MP3 player plugins that i try to insert in to my existing html, and is that the reason the codes have not worked as there is no uplaoded files in my host/server to find?

              *****Do you have any tips as for reliable hosts/servers to work with actinic.

              I will have a lot of audio to play as mp3 preview and alot of audio to download as WAV and AIFF files thru actinic checkout.

              Thanks for helping my learning curve



                No idea - it will depend on the plugin but with the one I mentioned because all the links are full URLs then the files (js and mp3s etc) then it needs to be in place to work.

                As for hosting - search the forum a bit and you will see many threads about recommended hosts.

