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"Generating" Marketing Lists Deletes Locked Also Bought Items

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    "Generating" Marketing Lists Deletes Locked Also Bought Items

    Has anyone experienced this before?

    Menu - Marketing List - Also bought items is enabled and set at 3 per product.

    As the site is being updated and new products being added all the time, products have "3 locked" also bought items on their relevant Marketing Tab until products have a buying history.

    When adding a new product, you need to generate the Also Bought List on the Marketing List Menu, otherwise their Also Bought option on the Marketing tab is greyed out.

    Everything until here works fine EXCEPT that when generating an "Also- Bought" List, only 2 "locked" also-bought items are sticking. The 3rd reverts back to empty.

    Other threads have suggested using "related items" instead of "also bought" at the start of a site, but I'm using these related items already for other reasons.


    If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

    Failure is the tuition you pay for success.

    Hi Samantha,

    I have tried to replicate this and have not been able to. Has anyone else seen this happening?

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      I tend to add the new products first and then generate the new products listing just the once and then go back and assign the marketing (you also get a bigger list to chose from as all the products are there)........ this is quicker than generating the list over and over and it has always retained the full list for me.. although I am not sure why the 3rd would disappear.

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Jont, the New Product Listing is not used and so not enabled.

        Found a way around it, but strange one I agree.

        Have now enabled 4 locked Also Bought products per item, rather than 3.

        So when the list is generated again, now 3 remain "locked" as required. It is the 4th that is deleted, which I didn't need anyway!

        To replicate, you must ensure that you are testing on a new product that has no purchase history so the deleted "also bought" item is always the last in the list and cannot be "locked" when regenerating the Also Bought list in the Marketing tab.

        Wonder if anyone else has found this?

        If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

        Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


          This sounds like an old bug is back, if you wanted 4 in a marketing list, you had to choose 5 as the last one got dropped. Looks like it's back.


            I can replicate this, Sam.

            I've been working on a site with no previous purchase history so, for the purpose of design, had locked in some "also boughts"

            Generating a list did, indeed, remove the last one in the list. Leaving me with only 2, despite all 3 having been locked.

            Actually, this is quite serious because, as sales are made and the site IS generating its own "also boughts", it's going to leave us one product short until it can generate enough of its own!


              Originally posted by leehack
              This sounds like an old bug is back, if you wanted 4 in a marketing list, you had to choose 5 as the last one got dropped. Looks like it's back.
              bit stupid, innit?!!

              Back from when? (I confess, I'd not seen it previously, being a catalog user myself!)
              This is using 8.5.1 HFUA so it's been around for a while!
              Did it ever get fixed in the first place then, do we know?


                It was quite some time ago Bumpsy, i'd say at least 6 months and i don't think it was exclusive to business, i think it was first found on best sellers. Pretty sure CD could replicate it and confirmed a bug. Seemed to have disappeared for a long time. I expect there is a basic maths calculation failing, where it is not doing an inclusive count, i.e. if looking at 1-5, it counts 4 etc.


                  Aah! Relief.

                  Glad to see I'm not going MAD.

                  If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                  Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                    And what's most annoying, is that when I lock 4 EMPTY products because I do not want that item to show any also bought related products from a design perspective, on regeneration, the 4th product shows itself again and the design is messed up. Can Actinic please comment??

                    If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                    Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                      Originally posted by OriginalTouch
                      Glad to see I'm not going MAD.
                      You don't get off the hook that easily, you're still a sheila and qualify naturally until otherwise notified.


                        hmmm..probably right.

                        I have to admit I "manipulate" the marketting lists somewhat, to show what I want them to show, where I I have rarely actually generated a list!

                        If it's in 8.5.1 though, it's been around a LONG time to have not been fixed, hasn't it? (not that it surprises me or anything )


                          Hi Sam & Tracey,

                          I have replicated this now, it is definately a bug. I will run it past development to see if there is a workaround.

                          Kind regards,
                          Bruce King


                            Originally posted by budgetbumps
                            I have to admit I "manipulate" the marketting lists somewhat, to show what I want them to show, where I I have rarely actually generated a list!
                            Did Jont teach you that trick, he believes all clearance crap should go in best sellers, gotta love the sheep that visit your site. I concede he is correct now and will be booking myself on a Jont Marketing Course.


                              Originally posted by leehack
                              Did Jont teach you that trick, he believes all clearance crap should go in best sellers, gotta love the sheep that visit your site. I concede he is correct now and will be booking myself on a Jont Marketing Course.
                              lol..well, I was already doing it, jont did show me how to be able to pick and choose which part of my list I show where though!

