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price grid layout

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    price grid layout

    I have a component with 2 attributes (size and depth) that both affect pricing of a product.

    I want to lay out the prices in a table with depth as the column header, and size as the rows.

    Does anyone know how to acheive this? (the standard Actinic Price grid, just displays them as a long list).

    Roger Coathup
    Principal Consultant, 21 Thoughts Limited: futures inspired business consultancy
    Director, 21 Inspired Limited: website design and online services

    Hi Roger,

    You can use the 'Push Button Grid' look to achieve what you want. All you need to do is set the 'Attributes in Push Button Grid' field (Properties tab of product) to '2'. If you also want to show the extra price for the options, then set the 'component layout' to 'component layout with attributes and price grid' and set the 'Retail Price Layout' as appropriate.


      throws a parse error

      Hi Tracey,

      thanks for the input.

      Unfortunately changing the 'attributes in push button grid' to 2 throws a parse error in the page preview.


      displaying as a price grid doesn't give me the look I want. That creates a row for every permutation. I want a table with multiple columns, so the choices for my first attribute appear as the row headings, and the choices for my second attribute as the column headings.

      I hope that makes sense.

      Roger Coathup
      Principal Consultant, 21 Thoughts Limited: futures inspired business consultancy
      Director, 21 Inspired Limited: website design and online services


        Hi Roger,

        The parse error only displays on the 'Design' tab preview due to the way the PHP code interacts with the code that is used for the preview to make it clickable. If you look at the preview on the 'Content' tab it should display correctly.

        You say that it just displays the permutations in rows but I get a grid as you describe that you want (see the attached image)
        Attached Files


          Hi Tracey,

          ok, buttons in a grid is working for me, but that's not really the effect I want.

          I don't want multiple add to cart buttons. It's just the prices I want to show in the grid, with separate dropdowns for choosing the depth and size and a single add to cart button.

          There's also a further problem. I have another component in the product, colour, that doesn't affect price. When I use the push button grid setting, it only makes a grid for the colour component.

          Thanks again,
          Roger Coathup
          Principal Consultant, 21 Thoughts Limited: futures inspired business consultancy
          Director, 21 Inspired Limited: website design and online services


            Hi Roger,

            I see what you mean now. Let me see if I can figure out how to do that for you.


              Hi Roger,

              I've been trying to amend the code used for the push button grid to see if I could get it to work to display the permutation prices but I'm afraid that my PHP knowledge is non-existent. Everything I've tried either results in parse errors or just puts the same value in each cell. I've asked the development team if this is possible but they say that it would be quite a big change and I'm afraid that this is beyond the scope of support.

              I will add this to the wish-list but I don't know if there is a PHP expert out there who would be able to take a look at this and work out how to loop through the permutation prices and get them to appear in the correct cell.



                Hi Tracey,

                thanks for your time on this one.

                In the end, I resorted to creating multiple versions of the product, we still need to update the copy / images, but the website is performing well (it sells luxury mattresses).

                I'll keep my eye on the updated features lists.

                Roger Coathup
                Principal Consultant, 21 Thoughts Limited: futures inspired business consultancy
                Director, 21 Inspired Limited: website design and online services


                  Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I am trying to achieve the same in V9.
                  Has anyone managed to achieve a price grid as described above or any alternative suggestions.

                  The only alternative would be to hard code a table but would prefer one I can that updates when I update the prices against a permutation.

                  I know in V9 there you can display all permutations in a list with prices but at 20 line long it is a bit too long and would prefer a more compact solution.
                  I suppose it might be possible to manipulate the layout used by actinic.
                  Darren Guppy
                  Golf Tee Warehouse
                  Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                    Norman has some form of a matrix in his box of tricks, it may be worth contacting him.


                      Are you referring to his "NorMatrix". This matrix appears to be for allowing customers to order a range of options in one go and not for displaying prices.
                      Darren Guppy
                      Golf Tee Warehouse
                      Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                        I've seen a few variations of it over the years, one that even changed colour according to stock levels, so although a long shot and i suspect he cannot do this, always worth asking the master.

                        If no good can you give some kind of visual display on what you want to do, you may be able to use multiple products designed cleverly to look as one and use single add to cart.


                          I don't need anything fancy or to even involve the add to cart button just a table of prices along the lines of the attached image (PriceGrid.jpg) as opposed to the layout that Actinic provide (PriceGrid2.jpg).

                          Note that the first image is a 4 x 3 grid and the second list would make a 4 x 5 grid.
                          Attached Files
                          Darren Guppy
                          Golf Tee Warehouse
                          Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


                            Hmmm, I don't see you getting that automatically i'm afraid, not a chance. Hopefully I am wrong.


                              We've done a few different implementations of choice permutations in Actinic and I'm pretty sure what you are after can be achieved.
                              It is basically recreating the "attributes in push button" but displaying the prices of the respective associated products?
                              An example of a customised choice permutation in Actinic can be seen at Lembrassa where we have customised the grid, which is created dynamically in Actinic, to pull in the respective stock levels of the associated products. If could amended to show/display the associated product price instead of the stock level.......

                              PM me if you think this is something that you could use.
                              Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                              Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                              SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                              SellerDeck Hosting
                              SellerDeck Digital Marketing

