You may find it better to leave threads to run their course or in the case of problems removing the web address from the thread by way of editing. Regular members on the forum are getting a bit wary of helping on the site review request threads as many such threads are getting pulled after users have given their free time to give opinions/ideas and the thread has thrown up some negative comments that haven't been what the thread poster expected. One of the most useful threads on here are these exact review requests as it gives you a true idea of what others (many professional designers) are seeing rather than our own 'blinkered' view.
I had gone back to the thread to get the title of the book Martin had recommended to you so in the end had to pm him instead, again wasting not only his, but my time too.
Hi, the reason I pulled the thread was because there was a problem with some of the pages functioning in IE7.
Sorry to cause all the stress. Thanks for your comments and advice though - much appreciated..
I don't understand why that is a reason to remove the thread.
Comments were given as opportunities to correct anything wrong as well as food for thought about other things people considered relevant to your site.
The comments (that I recall) weren't detrimental nor making fun of your work. Constructive criticism is what you were given and what I assumed you were wanting by posting in the first place.
I don't understand why that is a reason to remove the thread.
Comments were given as opportunities to correct anything wrong as well as food for thought about other things people considered relevant to your site.
The comments (that I recall) weren't detrimental nor making fun of your work. Constructive criticism is what you were given and what I assumed you were wanting by posting in the first place.
Hi, as i said some of the pages weren't functioning correctly and i didn't want a long list of responses highlighting this issue. In hindsight i should have checked the site worked in all browsers before starting the thread. Sorry to have wasted your time, but thanks again for your valuable opinions