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    Originally posted by Darren B
    Why i cant select PROTX or anyother method for offline ordering accept the cheque and similar payment methods i dont know.

    If you use the virtual terminal in PROTX Paypal e.t.c then i would assume you might use these as your method of payment in the offline order? but alas actinic has ermm not given you the option to decide?

    hmmm..not looked at that yet

    I'm too busy breaking stuff by site switching.
    It keeps upgrading my Catalog site to Business Plus every time I switch from Business Plus to Catalog.
    Then I have to restart and relicense a new Catalog site, import my Catalog snapshot etc and avoid the Business Plus site.

    In fact, it's now upgraded ALL my sites (designer, business and catalog) to business plus sites

    If only it were that easy LOL


      Are you see the sort of technics actinic are using to sell its products now, change it for you until you buy the bloody license


        Originally posted by cdicken
        Unfortunately, we couldn't have gotten v9 out at all if we had done Google Checkout. That's the reality of the situation. It's in the plan, but a longer term plan.
        But you guys did manage to get a couple of Actinic payment services added

        Originally posted by cdicken
        Sorry. There is a section in the help called 'Actinic Payments' you might find useful. It's not 100 % up to date, but it tells you everything you need.
        How do we open Actinic Payment Accounts? What are the charges and the functionality of the service? What’s the difference between Actinic Payments CNP/MOT and Actinic Payments Ecommerce?

        For example can we setup to have payments authorised but not charged until shipped?

        What checks are being done to limit potential fraud?

        Are the card details being checked against the the customers invoice address etc?

        Originally posted by cdicken
        Hmm - good point. I reckon it would be very easy to use this as an RRP box. I'll see whether there is anything I can do to the default database.
        A box for RRP and a You save amount would be ideal, even more ideal would be for Actinic to calculate the You Save amount (difference between RRP and Our Price) and even more ideal would be the RRP and You Save but with the option to specify a profit margin and Actinic to calculate the selling price based on the products cost. I'm probably expecting a bit much here from Actinic so I'll settle for a couple of boxes for RRP and You Save amounts if possible

        Originally posted by RuralWeb
        Wondered how long it would take someone to spot that one!
        First thing i noticed. I just wish i understood how a module for Google Checkout could possibly take so long and how Actinic can ignore there customers constant requests for Google Checkout due to time apparently but can manage to 1spend the time creating a couple of there own payment services tbh.


          Originally posted by Ginnys Attic
          to spend the time creating a couple of there own payment services tbh.
          Hmmmmmmm money spent writing a GC interface, Making money from your own PSP - i recon i can see part of the reason and of course dsi compliance


            but can manage to spend the time creating a couple of their own payment services
            I think the special word in this sentance is "their" - there has to be a bit more profit in the actinic payment service ( and so they incorporate that) rather than giving the profits across to google (but thats probably me be cynical)


              Doh - Im sure thats what i said


                Originally posted by Darren B
                Hmmmmmmm money spent writing a GC interface, Making money from your own PSP - i recon i can see part of the reason and of course dsi compliance
                I'm sure an Actinic PSP could be ideal especially if the rates are good and functionality etc but that doesn't mean people still won't want Google Checkout and lets face it if people who do want/need Google Checkout change software there will be no revenue from the Actinic PSP.

                Having a look at pretty much any other solutions even free ones such as you can have Google Checkout so it's not really acceptable for a paid for software such as Actinic to ignore the requests of their customers to include the Google Checkout but instead create and add there own imo.

                When i purchased Actinic V8 a year ago the salesman assured me that Google checkout was in testing and would be opperational within a couple of months, thats now 9 odd months ago and yet no Google Checkout (typical bloody salesman) but we do have an Actinic payment solution which will never have the same presence as the Google Checkout in the eyes of our customers or benefits for us the Actinic customer.

                Originally posted by completerookie
                but thats probably me be cynical
                Or not


                  What is the magic of Google Checkout that others see as the god of PSP's What with Adwords and Anylitics giving more info to google is the last thing I want to do, Information can be used as intended or abused by unforseen circumstances i.e. crooks in fancy offices

                  My advice spread your services around, look at the power the credit agencies have over you when you want a loan etc and they are not elected or accountable to us either

                  Last I always thought it was up to the PSP to buy the actinic kit to interface their product into actinic
                  Chris Ashdown


                    Chris i dont think its so much god of psp's it comes down to finacial sense

                    If you use adwords then they will process you card transactions for free, something like £100 adwords £1000 credit card processed free. Plus they offer competative rates and of course, just about everyone has heard of google and therefore the name gives customer confidence.

                    Im not saying its right but unfortunately its the way things are going



                      I don't think it's about confidence (many wouldn't agree that G gives confidence), it's about ease and speed of of checkout, that's what counts IMO. From a customer's POV if they have a GC account and an active cookie then it's just two clicks and the checkout's complete - similar to Amazon's One-Click.

                      I look forward to Actinic rewriting the checkout and streamlining it so it can operate in a similar way, hopefully in v10?. It's a major task for Actinic and will entail major code rewriting - might not even stay in Perl, who knows.

                      I also understand that it is supposed to be up to the PSP to write the interface code, but in the case of GC the information is freely available. The issue is really the GC small print and the integration of GC into the Actinic back office.

                      Personally I would only ever want GC as a back up offering, I don't want all my eggs in one basket, we're reliant enough on G as it is.


                        Actinic Payments is there because of the need for PCI compliance. There are loads of actinic clients already using Actinic Shared SSL, which with the Banks now working their way through to smaller merchants the necessity to supply a PCI replacement for shared SSL was a necessity. (this is exactly the same scenario we had a few years ago when actinic inbuilt encryption was no longer viable and thus actinic shared SSL was born)

                        GC is merely something that some people would like.


                          Originally posted by drounding
                          I don't think it's about confidence (many wouldn't agree that G gives confidence), it's about ease and speed of of checkout, that's what counts IMO. From a customer's POV if they have a GC account and an active cookie then it's just two clicks and the checkout's complete - similar to Amazon's One-Click.
                          Duncan although i understand what your saying i also believe we sometimes forget about our own understanding of companies like google. To the everyday person on the street google is a house hold name, it is everywhere, to me you and many others we see different sides to big G. Google have cleverly used some incentives to get people to use it, i notice 2 more of my cometitors are now using it. For me it was not really considered but i dont think it can be ignored.

                          As for the speed of check out, i could not agree more, i had hoped V9 was going to see a change to the already click heavy system in place but yet again a much requested change has been overlooked



                            It would have been much nicer for Actinic to spend their time creating proper API's to allow us to retrieve the "goods in the basket, together with the costs", then we could have called the API to format the data ready for any PSP we chose.

                            It could then be just a matter of creating a bit of PHP (or Perl) to link to any PSP, with not a lot of work, a few "open source" API links could have been "donated" to the forum.


                              Originally posted by Ginnys Attic
                              How do we open Actinic Payment Accounts? What are the charges and the functionality of the service?
                              You can get more info about Actinic Payments registering at

                              Originally posted by Ginnys Attic
                              What’s the difference between Actinic Payments CNP/MOT and Actinic Payments Ecommerce?
                              Basically they are the same but CNP/MOTO working for offline orders only and ecommerce one online only. The only other difference between the two is that they must be sent to separate terminal IDs as most banks insist that the CNP transactions go to different merchant numbers.

                              Originally posted by Ginnys Attic
                              For example can we setup to have payments authorised but not charged until shipped?
                              You can set up to pre-authorise the transactions. When you ship the goods you can also charge (even a different) amount directly from Actinic. You can get some clue about the functionality taking a look at the changed payment tab and payment history dialog.

                              Originally posted by Ginnys Attic
                              What checks are being done to limit potential fraud?

                              Are the card details being checked against the the customers invoice address etc?
                              Again, the payment history dialog may give some clue what's new there. Anyway, you can set up Actinic Payments to verify CVV, cardholder address and cardholder postcode. Actinic Payments Ecommerce also let you do 3D secure verification.

                              Originally posted by completerookie
                              It would have been much nicer for Actinic to spend their time creating proper API's to allow us to retrieve the "goods in the basket, together with the costs", then we could have called the API to format the data ready for any PSP we chose.
                              Actually we have an API for PSPs. But that won't help anyone creating a GC integration as GC doesn't behave like a standard PSP.
                              Actinic Software


                                Basically they are the same but CNP/MOTO working for offline orders only and ecommerce one online only. The only other difference between the two is that they must be sent to separate terminal IDs as most banks insist that the CNP transactions go to different merchant numbers.
                                You must, what if you only have one merchant account, or are you saying actinic will take over all the processing and pay it directly into the bank and you will supply 2 merchant account numbers

                                so i take it then i dont need protx and streamline anymore? (i understood not needing protx)

                                OK me thinks this needs to be taken to another thread, as this is about new features rather than the current beta


